Tuesday, April 30, 2019

SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL HEALTH and ILLNESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL HEALTH and ILLNESS - Essay Example plot of land such labels atomic number 18 applicable to a small fraction of patients, a majority of them are customary individuals by common standards. Their disorders and disturbances moreover affect their concentration, cognition and efficiency. Yet, they get ostracized for their condition. The mainstream media plays a significant role in spreading such misconceptions among the citizenry. As a matter of statistic, crime rates among the mentally disturbed are quite similar to that of the control group (Angermeyer, 2004). Yet, the media portrays them as people prone to violent and antisocial behavior. For example, cordial illness also has not received the sensitive media coverage that other illnesses have been given. We are environ by stereotypes, popular movies talk about killers who are psychos and news coverage of mental illness only when it related to violence. We also often hear the causal use of terms like lunatic or c razy, along with jokes about the mentally ill. These representations and the use of discriminatory language distort the publics get and reinforce inaccuracies about mental illness. (Schulze, 2003)It is not an even keel with all types of afflictions. Some of them like dementia praecox are subject to more ridicule and stigma than say depression. People affected with this condition are portrayed as psychos, whackos, nut balls, etc. While disorders like depression dont bring in such treatment as a result of widespread awareness about anti-depressants within the mainstream media (Kelly, 2007). on that point are other negative consequences to such stigma. For one thing, many people shy away from acquire proper treatment for their conditions on fear of being ridiculed and disparaged. They also develop unreasonable fears of abandonment by their family and friends once the illness comes to light

Monday, April 29, 2019

Taxonomy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Taxonomy - Assignment ExampleAs to the development of the fish, the equip fishes developed first, then followed by the jawless fishes, the cartilaginous and finally the bony fish. Lastly, when it comes to the development of their young, mammals can be monotremes, marsupials or eutherians. The Phyla that Lack Organs and the Type of Symmetry They Have Among the nine phyla, those that lack organs admit Phylum Porifera and Phylum phylum Cnidaria. Phylum Porifera, to which the spongers belong, only befool a cellular level of organization. Moreover, Phylum Cnidaria, to which the jellyfish and anemones belong, only have tissues and no organ systems. It is also interesting to note that members of the Phylum Porifera have no symmetry but Phylum Cnidaria have radial symmetry. (Audesirk & Audesirk, 2008) The Phyla that Show Cephalization Among the nine phyla, only six show cephalization. These are the Phylum Mollusca, Phylum, Arthropoda, Phylum Chordata, and the worms Phylum Platyhelminth es, Phylum Nematoda, and Phylum Annelida. These members of these phyla have a distinct head. (Audesirk & Audesirk, 2008) The Phyla that Have Fewer than Three Germ Layers Not all organisms have the three hemipteron layers. While all other phyla have the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, it is Phylum Cnidaria that does not possess the mesoderm, thus it is called diploblastic. tout ensemble the other phyla are called tripoblastic by virtue of their having all three germ layers. ... The chilopods and diplopods hold all centipedes and millipedes respectively. The insects include dragonflies, butterflies, grasshoppers, crickets, cockroaches, termites, leafhoppers, beetles, bees, mosquitoes, fleas, ants and wasps. (Carter, 1997) The Differences among Fish from the Most Primitive to the Most Advanced The most primitive of fishes the ostracoderms and placoderms appeared from the Ordovician and Devonian periods. The ostracoderms were shell-skinned and had a bony exfoliation external to t heir cartilaginous bodies. The head and upper torsos were covered with a bony accouterments plate and the rearward and lower half were cartilage. They also had spikes and a toothless jawless structure. On the other hand, the placoderms, which eventually replaced the ostracoderms, had an armor that covered the entirety of the head and a portion of the body as well. The only difference was that the placoderms had structural jaws, unlike the ostracoderms. (Arreola, 2005) The placoderms were eventually replaced by divide Agnatha, or the jawless fishes, such as lampreys and hagfish, which exist today. They have neither jaws nor a bony skeleton. The Class Chondrichthyes developed next. They have jaws but lack a bony skeleton. Members of this class include sharks and skates, all of which have cartilaginous skeleton and a skin with teeth-like denticles. Finally, the Class Osteichthyes, or the jawed bony fishes, developed last. These fish, with over 20,000 species all over the world, hav e protrusible jaws and calcified skeletons. (Buchheim, 2011) The Three Types of Mammals establish on How Their Young Develop The three types of mammals based on how their young develop include the monotremes, the marsupials and the placental mammals. The monotremes, which include

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Crowdsourcing Research Paper

The Pros and Cons of Crowdsourcing - Research Paper ExampleAt the present, Oracle Corporation is facilitating the companies to use the modulate of crowdsourcing to the confused tasks of the company like that customer relationship management software program through a new enterprise. Regardless of the introduction of crowdsourcing potentials, a high-quality idea carries the menace of sneering at the source, making maltreat way to the suitable sector, otherwise being deferred for a long time that it turns out to be useless. more and more companies across upright productions are making their way to crowdsourcing. In this scenario, eMarketer revealed in a business condition that has proficiently utilized crowdsourcing as an imperative aspect of CSR programmes, almost 95% people say that it was at least somewhat important and effective approach to utilize. Additionally, a survey over 200 bodily executives was carried out in Fortune and almost 200 businesses stated the most helpful feature of crowdsourcing for their CSR program efforts. Whereas respondent frequently is inspired for the reason that they desire a specific product to become successful, businesses as well are able to offer incentives or rewards in the form of prizes to nonfinancial advantages for instance wander figures as stars, desired user status, a well-known fame on the Web site.Crowdsourcing is an emerging trend which has been use in various aspects and area of life. The purpose of this research is to study the concept of crowdsourcing and analyze the impacts of crowdsourcing in various disciplines of businesses and industrial framework. This research also analyzes the economic impacts of crowdsourcing.With the passage of time, the actual components of crowdsourcing were revealed by experiment and mistake. However, a bite of corporations or individuals encompass a covert formula that they apply to guarantee constant accomplishment whereas other people exercise the tried-and-true technique s those have been suggested by the professionals.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Technology Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Technology Management - Research Paper ExampleThis research will effort to show that the technological changes in modern era squirtnot always help the corporation to increase the contrast productivity. Technological Changes Cannot Always Help It is true that the productivity in several non-white apprehension jobs has significantly change magnitude due to the implementation of advanced engine room. On the other hand, productivity in several white collar jobs has not grown at the same rate. It can be stated that implementation of advanced technology does not have that as much positive impact on manufacturing as it is identified in office jobs. It is quite difficult to flyer productivity in white collar jobs. Poor tonus and inadequate measurement process and implementation of high mechanisation can affect the productivity of an organisation. This ingredient of the research will investigate all the aspects through the implementation of appropriate theories and approaches. Lack of Integration and knowledge Organisations generally implement a computerised accounting system within the organisation in order to strike down and control the operational time and cost. It is not true that all the time this automation process can go down time and cost. Lack of knowledge about advanced technology and functions can take much operating time. ... There are several people outside of the branches or the departments who cannot avail this facility. However, it is important to merge all the branches and departments all together before implementing the advanced technology in business process. Otherwise, it can reduce the productivity of the organisation. Unmeasured Productivity and Unnoticed Problems It is true that some organisations implement advanced technology and automation process in business practices without thinking about the future consequences. It is precise much difficult to measure productivity after the implementation of advanced technology. Inadequate re view of technological tools can affect the productivity of the organisation. Inadequate Initial Decision Making Process In certain governmental firms, the purchase of packet and equipment is not undertaken with supreme diligence. It is true that several officials do not know how to increase the productivity and talent of business process through the implementation of advanced technology. It is very much critical to make a decision about the implementation of advanced technology (Grembergen, 2001). Application of advanced technology automation in business process may not increase the productivity of a firm. First of all, it is important for the instruction of the organisation to conduct comprehensive and real analysis to make effective decisions. It will be very much difficult for the organisation if they implement process of justifying and deciding the wrong way round. The organisation take to improve the decision making process based on the notion. It can provide effective set tlement to the problems. Implementation of Technology without effective

Friday, April 26, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 396

assigning ExampleThere are two issues that come out clearly in this case. Quons, Duke, boss tells him in that respect would be no make to carry out an size up of the school text messages as long as he paid the overages. On the other hand, the OPD puzzle outs it clear that none of the pager messages would be private. Quon went ahead to make an assumption that his boss pronouncements could override he provisions of the OPD. No part of the OPD provisions indicate that an employees pronouncements were superior to documented OPD provisions. Quon thus wrongfully expected privacy due to a mere incident his boss had promised not to audit the messages so long as he paid the overages. Such a pronouncement, therefore, does not suspend the OPD provisions. That renders Quon culpable.If the case had involved an employer-supplied device other than a pager, it surely would have been distinguishable the differently. The OPD provisions are very particular/specific on the device involved. It on ly refers to the pager text message as not being private. If a device had been involved other than the pager, the provision wouldnt have applied. The case would have been decided differently. Quon demand for privacy would have been validated.Auditing text messages is obviously little intrusive than phone wiretapping. This is because in the case of auditing text messages, the device user is made aware of the need to carry out an audit. In the case of phone wiretapping, the users device such as telephone is covertly monitored. This is considered unlawful in most cases. Phone wiretapping is more intrusive than carrying out an audit of the messages.There is no broad ground for find out Quons case. There a number of adept aspects of the case, all of which must be weighed. If the broadly applicable rules for electronic intercourse had been applied in determining the case, the court would have looked at how Quons use of the work device for other personal communication had affected his use of

Gender Discrimination in the Job Market in South Korea Term Paper

sexuality Discrimination in the Job food market in sulphur Korea - Term Paper ExampleWomen in all countries around the world cut across that they argon paid lower salaries than their male counterparts are. According to the International Labor Organization ILO report, women earn close to 20-30 percent less than what their male counterparts earn globally (Monk-Turner and Turner, 2003). Surprisingly, a survey conducted by ILO found that southeastward Korean women as being the worst discriminated in the labor market. The ILO researchers found that Korean men feature continued to enjoy a higher economic return than their female counterparts do. For instance, a survey conducted in 1988 by the ILO found that whereas Korean men earn an average salary of 2101 won, their female counterparts only earned an average wage of 1009 won. This indicates a huge wage gap compared to the average wage gap put down I n other countries around the world. This wage gap implied that for every 48 won t hat a Koreans woman earned, their male counterparts earned 100 won. This translates to 48 percent wage gap. The ILO report also indicted that, early on on in 1980, for every dollar that a Korean man earned, women early only 45 cents (Monk-Turner and Turner, 1994). This was the worst ever wage gap recorded in this time in the entire world. notwithstanding the affirmative action and labor policies that have been enacted in southeast Korea, the labor wage gap amid South Korean men and women and women have remained relatively higher that the global average. Factors Responsible For Gender engross Gap in South Korean Labor Market Many people fail to look why the gender wage gap has persisted in the Korean labor market despite the increase affirmative action going on in the country. However, a number of theories exist that may befriend in understanding the persistence of gender wage gap in the South Korean... Currently, Korea boasts to being the foundation of some of the leading el ectronic companies in the world. Some of the leading South Korean companies include Samsung and LG. in spite of the achievements that the country has made in the past few years, gender discrimination remains one of the biggest challenges cladding its labor market. Monk-Turner and Turner (2003) indicated that most companies in the country discriminate against the female gender. South Korean women baptistry different kinds of discrimination in the labor market. This includes unemployment, low salary, promotion problems, and lack of consideration for managerial position. Gender discrimination in employment remains one of the major challenges that most women face in the exemplify day society. Even though most countries have made significant achievement in empowering women to figure in the countrys development by attaining better education and getting good jobs, women are still discriminated against in employment in many countries the world over. This is particularly so in South Kor ea where most employers still see women as being inferior to their male counterparts. However, it is high time South Korean employers start according women equal treatment by giving them an equal opportunity as their male counterparts. This is because women too are productive just as men. In addition, the South Korean presidency needs to promote the involvement of women in employment without bias. The involvement of women in employment will for certain help boost the South Korean economy.