Friday, May 31, 2019

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, by Dylan Thomas Essay -- fight

Dylan doubting doubting Thomas was born in the Britain in 1914. He was a Welsh poet and writer who wrote exclusively in English. According to Poets Organization, His stupefy was an English Literature professor at the local grammar school and would often recite Shakespeare to Thomas before he could read (1). The home education substantial his writing style which led him to have his first piece of work published in 1925. The verse form, Do Not Go Gentle into That Good night was written by Dylan Thomas in 1945 during the last illness of his sires life. Thomas addressed this poem to his tiro whose eyesight and general health were failing. He expresses a powerful mess board about the f low-cal and passage of demise in his poem. Meanwhile, he begs his beat to maintain against the darkness which is taking over and leading him into the afterlife. In this villanelle form poem, through the use of the metaphor language and images, especially the parallelism, writer gives examples of wi se men, safe(p) men, wild men, and grave men to his father who was dying at the time this poem was written and also tires to convince his father to fight against the coming close.Thomas thinks a man who is dying in an old age should not die quietly, but fight with death until the last second. He begins the poem with second-person bear witness of view and constantly reminds readers not to go gently into death and darkness, but rather to fight with them. To express the death and darkness, In the first stanza, Thomas uses a metaphor in which day represents life, night represents the afterlife and smashed of day represents the moment of death, Do not go gentle into that good night,, at shoemakers last of day(line 1-3). The first line of the poem is also a refrain. To makes reader notice this sentence, wri... ...getic, warm, intimate acts. Fierce tears images passion in nature. Thomas hopes that his father can fight with death. He also asks him not be indifferent or accept death mi ldly. Life is limited therefore we need to fight to do the most and the best things without any doubting. Even when we suit with death, we also need the passion to live, no matter what the result is. So the poet naturally prays his father to fight with death again in the last stanza, Do not go gentle into that good night, Rage, Rage, against the dying of the light (line 18-19).The cycle of life and death formed a constant underlying theme in this poem. Thomas once brings readers into the darkness and death meanwhile, makes readers understand the meaning of life and death. Even at the end of life, everyone should attempt to burn with life, to rage against the dying of the light. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, by Dylan Thomas Essay -- fight Dylan Thomas was born in the Britain in 1914. He was a Welsh poet and writer who wrote exclusively in English. According to Poets Organization, His father was an English Literature professor at the local grammar school and would often recite Shakespeare to Thomas before he could read (1). The home education developed his writing style which led him to have his first piece of work published in 1925. The poem, Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night was written by Dylan Thomas in 1945 during the last illness of his fathers life. Thomas addressed this poem to his father whose eyesight and general health were failing. He expresses a powerful message about the flight and passage of death in his poem. Meanwhile, he begs his father to fight against the darkness which is taking over and leading him into the afterlife. In this villanelle form poem, through the use of the metaphor language and images, especially the parallelism, writer gives examples of wise men, good men, wild men, and grave men to his father who was dying at the time this poem was written and also tires to convince his father to fight against the coming death.Thomas thinks a man who is dying in an old age should not die quietly, but fight with death until the last second. He begins the poem with second-person point of view and constantly reminds readers not to go gently into death and darkness, but rather to fight with them. To express the death and darkness, In the first stanza, Thomas uses a metaphor in which day represents life, night represents the afterlife and close of day represents the moment of death, Do not go gentle into that good night,, at close of day(line 1-3). The first line of the poem is also a refrain. To makes reader notice this sentence, wri... ...getic, warm, intimate acts. Fierce tears images passion in nature. Thomas hopes that his father can fight with death. He also asks him not be indifferent or accept death mildly. Life is limited therefore we need to fight to do the most and the best things without any doubting. Even when we face with death, we also need the passion to live, no matter what the result is. So the poet naturally prays his father to fight with death again in the last stanza, Do not go gentle into that good night, Rage, Rage, against the dying of the light (line 18-19).The cycle of life and death formed a constant underlying theme in this poem. Thomas once brings readers into the darkness and death meanwhile, makes readers understand the meaning of life and death. Even at the end of life, everyone should attempt to burn with life, to rage against the dying of the light.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Household Waste! :: essays research papers

Household Waste     One morning my mamma said "Andy, get up and sponge the bathroom" It wasalways an essential and important labor to the family. I got up and ga in that locationd allthe normal cleaning agents we used Ajax, ammonium hydroxide, and this liquid bleach thatmy mom said worked wonders. The toilet I cleaned using the Ajax the sink Icleaned using the Ajax there seemed to be no need for the other two. Then I bywordit- the bath tub, AH There was a ring around the bath tub that I knew would bedifficult to clean off. I decided to add the ammonia I scrubbed at the ring butit was not coming off. I then looked around come backing what to do     "The Bleach" I yelled aloud. And then -- it hit me, my moms hand.     "Never, Never, Never, use Bleach with ammonia. Infact dont mix anychemicals with one another."     This is an excellent example of common mistakes people make whe n dealingwith household chemicals/cleaners. In this assignment I will examine differentcleaners commonly used in my house.I Ajax     I go to the cupboard and find a underside of the powder, Ajax. The can use tohave a piece of tape to cover the diadem but now it has been lost a potentialproblem. The can has an expiration date on it, 9/98. This expiration date may beincorrect because that piece of tape to cover it has been lost for some while now.II Windex     In the cupboard in the upstairs bathroom is where we keep the Windex.The Windex is blue and clearly labelled, with no chance of any person mistakingit for something else. The top part is tightly screwed on with Windex filled to of the original volume. I cannot find any expiration date, nor can I find anyhint there ever was one. I should contact the product vender to see if theWindex is immortal or what.III vinegar     I go to the kitchen cupboard and find vinegar. Vinegar is what we use tomop our tile floor with. The vinegar has an "Easy flip-off cap" and is abouthalf of what it originally was. This too, has no evidence of an expiration date.I dont think I need to contact the item vendor because its only vinegar.IV Formula 409     Next to the Ajax in our "Cleaner-Cupboard" we carry Formula 409, theideal for kitchen clean-up. It is clearly labeled with no chance for

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Zarathustra by Me :: essays research papers

Zarathustra by MePublished 1895translation by GerardoPublished 1999________________________________________PREFACEThis book belongs to the around rare of men. Perhaps not one of them is yet alive. It is possible that they may be among those who understand my Zarathustra how could I confound myself with those who are now sprouting ears?--First the twenty-four hour period after tomorrow must come for me. Some men are born posthumously.The conditions under which any one understands me, and necessarily understands me--I know them only withal well. Even to endure my seriousness, my passion, he must carry intellectual integrity to the verge of hardness. He must be accustomed to living on bus tops--and to looking upon the wretched gabble of politics and nationalism as beneath him. He must have become indifferent he must neer ask of the truth whether it brings profit to him or a fatality to him... He must have an inclination, born of strength, for questions that no one has the courage for the courage for the disallow predestination for the labyrinth. The experience of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for what is most distant. A new conscience for truths that have hitherto remained unheard. And the will to carry through in the grand manner--to hold together his strength, his enthusiasm...Reverence for self love of self absolute freedom of self.....Very well, then of that sort only are my readers, my true(p) readers, my readers foreordained of what account are the rest?--The rest are merely humanity.--One must make ones self superior to humanity, in power, in highness of soul,--in contempt.FRIEDRICH W. NIETZSCHE. 1.--Let us look each other in the face. We are Hyperboreans--we know well enough how remote our place is. Neither by land nor by water will you find the road to the Hyperboreans even Pindar1,in his day, knew that much about us. Beyond the North, beyond the ice, beyond death--our life, our happiness...We have discovered that happiness we know the management we got our knowledge of it from thousands of years in the labyrinth. Who else has found it?--The man of today?--I dont know either the way out or the way in I am whatever doesnt know either the way out or the way in--so sighs the man of today...This is the sort of modernity that made us ill,--we sickened on lazy peace, cowardly compromise, the whole virtuous dirtiness of the modern Yea and Nay. This tolerance and largeur of the heart that forgives everything because it understands everything is a sirocco to us.

Dr Jekyl And Mr Hyde - Chapter Summary :: essays research papers

Chapter 1The story begins with a description of Mr. Utterson, a lawyer in London. Mr. Utterson is a reserved, conservative man who does not reveal his true, vibrant personality. He tolerates the strangeness and faults of other. Early in his life, he watched as his brother fell to ruin, and it is noted that he is often the last respectable person that men who be turning to evil or ruin have to talk to. This foreshadows Uttersons involvement with upcoming evil.Mr. Utterson is friends with Richard Enfield, although the twain are totally different from one another. They always took walks with for each one other on Sundays no matter what else they might have to do. As they walk down a lane on Sunday that would usually be crowded with merchants and children during the week, Enfield points out an old building without many windows, and only a basement door.Enfield tells a story of how, one night at about 300 am, he saw a strange, deformed man round the corner and bump into a young girl. The strange man did not stop still simply walked right over the young girl, who cried out in terror. Enfield rushed over and attended the girl along with her family. Still, the strange man carried on, so Enfield give chase him down and urged him back. A doctor was called and Enfield and the doctor felt an odd hatred of the man, warning the man that they would discredit him in every way possible unless he compensated the girl. The strange man agreed to offer 100 British pounds.Enfield notes that the man is like Satan in the way he seems emotionally shabby to the situation. The strange man presented a cheque signed by an important person, which they together cashed the next morning. Enfield states that he refers to the building as Black unhorse House. Utterson asks Enfield if he ever asked who lived in the building, but Enfield explains that he doesnt ask questions about strange things"the more it looks like Queer Street, the less I ask."The building appears lived in, and the two men carry on their walk. Enfield continues that the strange man he saw that night looked deformed, though he could explain how. Utterson assures Enfield that his story has caught his interest. The two agree neer to talk about the story again.Chapter 2The same evening, Utterson came home.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Euro Disney the Failure Essay -- International Marketing Europe Theme

Walt Disney is the world leader in family entertainment and one of the most valuable brands in the world. Recently, Walt Disney has decided to open up a Disney Theme Park in Hong Kong China, which will be the first theme park in China. Since the opening of Euro Disney, the Walt Disney Company has learned to take into favor important determinants so that their investment will not be a huge fiscal loss. Unfortunately, Since Disney did not interrogation as much as they should of when deciding to open Euro Disney, this lead to one of the biggest failures for the Disney Company and is today used as an example of international marketing failures. Disney had high expectations about opening up a Disney Theme Park in France. They projected 500,000 visitors to be in the park on opening day and the result was only 20,000 visitors. According to the textbook, international corporations should research and analyze their profitability level and the market size. Many international companies need to expense their research and development because it will only lead to big financial losses. Walt Disney Company should of used a transnational approach to achieve a consistent and controlled marketing strategy. Transnational approach has three types of variables such as demographic, psychographic and behavioral. A big problem that Disney overlooked was the lack of marketing to the French people, there were more visitors from outside of France then there was in France. After realizing their turnover they starting line promoting special package prices for French residents. Several fundamental points that affected the failure of Euro Disneys first 2 years were location, staffing, dining, prices and the opening of to many hotel rooms at ... ... for American companies to realize that their way isnt always going to work, especially in a different country with such a different culture. Their Hong Kong project seems like they argon taking precaution to prevent any huge financi al losses. In spite of their mistakes, Disney is still one of the most important brands in the world and is wide recognized as a successful corporation. BibliographyEuro Disney An American in Paris http// Building a Mouse House in Hong Kong. April 11, 2002 http// Doole, Isobel and Lowe, Robin. International marketing Strategy. Third Edition, Copyright, 2001.Recklies, Dagmar. Managing Resources-Accounting Assignment.

Euro Disney the Failure Essay -- International Marketing Europe Theme

Walt Disney is the world leader in family entertainment and one of the most valuable brands in the world. Recently, Walt Disney has decided to open up a Disney Theme Park in Hong Kong China, which will be the first theme park in China. Since the opening of Euro Disney, the Walt Disney political party has learned to take into consideration primary(prenominal) determinants so that their investment will not be a huge financial loss. Unfortunately, Since Disney did not research as much as they should of when deciding to open Euro Disney, this lead to one of the biggest failures for the Disney Company and is today used as an example of international marketing failures. Disney had high expectations nearly opening up a Disney Theme Park in France. They projected 500,000 visitors to be in the park on opening day and the result was besides 20,000 visitors. According to the textbook, international corporations should research and analyze their profitability level and the market size. Many international companies need to expense their research and development because it will however lead to big financial losses. Walt Disney Company should of used a transnational approach to achieve a consistent and controlled marketing strategy. Transnational approach has trine types of variables such as demographic, psychographic and behavioral. A big problem that Disney overlooked was the lack of marketing to the French people, there were more visitors from outside of France then there was in France. After realizing their turnover they starting promoting special package prices for French residents. Several fundamental points that affected the failure of Euro Disneys first 2 years were location, staffing, dining, prices and the opening of to some hotel rooms at ... ... for American companies to realize that their way isnt always going to work, especially in a diametrical country with such a different culture. Their Hong Kong project seems like they are taking precaut ion to prevent any huge financial losses. In spite of their mistakes, Disney is still one of the most important brands in the world and is widely recognized as a successful corporation. BibliographyEuro Disney An American in Paris http// Building a Mouse domicil in Hong Kong. April 11, 2002 http// Doole, Isobel and Lowe, Robin. International Marketing Strategy. Third Edition, Copyright, 2001.Recklies, Dagmar. Managing Resources-Accounting Assignment.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Of Mice and Men Brotherhood Essay

Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guy cables in the world. They got no family. They bustt belong no place. . . . With us it aint like that (Steinbeck, 15). As we follow Lennie and George on their journey towards what they consider to be the ambitiousness smell, the hearing comes to learn along with the characters that dreams are not all theyre cracked up to be and sometimes the most rewarding goal in life is one which has already been achieved. The two main characters in the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck are poor farm workers who hope to one solar day own their own farm and become self-sufficient. What they never realize is that the most important thing they can ever have is each other. Despite their biyearly quarrels, Lennie and George share a connection comparable to that of brothers and a love so profound it ultimately costs Lennie his life, leaving George with the reality he never proverb before that were he not so caught up in a frivolous end game, he would have seen that he had already found something worth liveness for in his large, clumsy companion.George often has a hard time coping with Lennie and the problems his disability causes for the two of them regarding work and living situations. He tells Lennie, You cant progress a job and you lose me ever job I get. Jus keep me shovin all over the country all the time. An that aint the worst. You get in trouble. You do bad things and I got to get you out. You crazy son-of-a-bitch. You keep me in hot water all the time (12). George rarely becomes as outwardly disoriented with Lennie as he is in this instance, but its snuff it in the way he talks to him throughout the book that he is easily thwart with having to look after someone else all the time, especially someone who unavoidably as a great deal care as Lennie does. Lennie doesnt seem to fully get wind this, or otherwise doesnt care much because he trusts George to stay with him whatever the trouble they come ac ross. Lennie often settles arguments by insisting, I didnt imply no harm, George. Though George is aggravated, he usually dish outs this apology to heart and forgives Lennie, making everything better.At the time that this book is set, people didnt know very much about mental handicaps or their effects. A common solution, then, for someone with a mental disability would be to put them in an asylum. This fact is what makesit so clear that George loves Lennie, even if he doesnt always express it the way in the reader may think he should. When Lennies aunty Clara dies, George makes a obligation to her that he will take care of Lennie. However, because Aunt Clara is dead, George has no real obligation. Morally, he may feel guilty, but most characters in his situation would take care of Lennie by handing him off to a professional. Instead of taking this approach, George takes Lennie under his own ad hominem care in fellowship to honor his promise to Aunt Clara and keep a closer watc h over him. This is where Georges almost familial love for Lennie first becomes apparent in the story line. Further along in the book, Georges feeling of obligation for taking care of Lennie progresses even more.When Candy tells him, I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldnt ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog (67), George understands that sometimes the best way to protect someone you love is by hurting them first before anyone else gets the chance to. This change between Candy and George is an example of foreshadowing to the end of the book, when George shoots Lennie to save him from the mob of angry workers. It seems to the reader as if George should be doing everything in his power to continue to felled seam Lennie from the people who want to hurt him, but he realizes that the thing which is hurting Lennie the most is Lennie himself.Just like Candys dog, Lennie aint got zero left for him (52) and the best way to protect him from all the bad things in the worl d is to take him straight out of it. even out after killing Lennie, George has this pacify silence about him, a sign of respect and reverence for the man he has spent almost his whole life bonding with and looking after. Even if he never outwardly says it, George loves Lennie like his own family. The closest he ever comes to admitting this fact is right before he shoots Lennie and he consoles him by saying, I aint mad. I never been mad, an I aint now. Thats a thing I want ya to know (117). And despite his seem ignorance toward the subject, its clear that Lennie understands George loves him as much as he has always loved George.The tragedy in this ultimate display of brotherly love is that it comes to a fault little too late. Instead of seeing the good he has in front of him all along, George doesnt realize until the situation is out of his control near how lucky he was to have Lennie in his company. All he can really see in thefuture is his big dream of their own abode with lo ts of farm land and animals to look after, living off the fatta the lan with no worries or cares. This goal almost seems attainable when Candy mentions all the notes he has saved up and George becomes blind-sided by the possibility of his dream coming true so much sooner than he had imagined. In this, he loses survey of what is really important to him, which is Lennie. He forgets how Lennie is and lets go just long enough for Lennie to get himself into trouble for the very last time.This time, Lennie has actually killed a woman and done something George cant fix for him and every hope hes ever had goes out the window with the loss of his best mavin and pseudo-brother. You hadda, George. I swear you hadda (18). The irony and tragedy in this observation made by Slim is that while George did ultimately have to shoot Lennie himself in order to save him further suffering, this would not have been the case were he not too caught up in his own foolish daydreams to see life as it was hap pening around him.I think at the end George fully realizes this. And though Lennies death is not entirely his fault, he feels responsible and modest by the experience. Its easy for the reader to infer that due to this traumatic experience, it is likely that George will never fully recover and never reach that dream by himself, regardless of his probable hatred of the idea. It is hard for the reader to find it likely that George would still want to pursue this goal without Lennie by his side as he has always been. George has learned too late that the thing he packed the most in life was not independence or personal property or anything material at all, but a friend for life.Spose you didnt have nobody A guy needs somebody to be near him A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. Dont make no difference who the guy is, long as hes with you. I tell ya (80). As George and Lennies connection becomes more profound throughout the book, the reader has no survival of the fittest but to also become attached to their relationship. Having a goal is a comforting thought, but when it comes down to it, it really is true that in life, all you need is love.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Leni Riefenstahl: Took advantage of events or swept along Essay

People are swept along by events. Some individuals give events to advantage. This is evident with Leni Riefenstahl as from the earliest accounts of her career it is clear that she was prepared to use others to benefit herself, although while at other times such acclivityments were non inside her control. Historian Steven Bach argues in his book, The Life and work of Leni Riefenstahl that Riefenstahl was obsessed with her career and moulding her image. He believes she knew more ab verboten Nazism than she would have liked spate to believe. Riefenstahl was so driven to be worldly noted and recognised that she didnt care what the cost. Through the exploitation of large number and their money and the use of her beauty and hitch Riefenstahl would never have been so artistically successful and innovative.Riefenstahl was unforced to do whatever it takes in frame to achieve success and accomplished this by exploiting people for their money. In 1923, Riefenstahl acquainted herself wi th a Jewish banker, Harry Sokal, who manipulated exchange rates. Sokal continually asked Riefenstahl to marry him, but she had no desire to although she acknowledged his wealth and continued the relationship. Riefenstahl utilize Sokal to finance her dancing career by paying for halls, advertising, and the musicians. Sokal excessively paid critics to sit in the audience in attempts to gain positive reviews.In order to achieve success Riefenstahl acknowledged that she needed to allow Sokal to finance her and therefore, she took advantage of Sokal when it suited her best. Sokal financed her dance career, but Riefenstahl wanted to get rid of him. Although this would not be the last time she exploits him and his money. Therefore, while Riefenstahl allowed Sokal to finance her movements she was clearly universe expedientic and used events to her advantage.Further evidence of Riefenstahls exploitation of people is shown with her clear intentions to get ahead at bottom the creative ar ts industry. After seeing the fritter away, Mountain of Destiny, Riefenstahl sought out famous shoot down director Arnold Fanck in attempts to establish a career as an actress. Once again financed by Sokal, she travelled to the Dolomite Mountains in order to find Dr. Fanck. Riefenstahl met one of the films actors, Luis Trenker, and claimed that Im going to be in your next picture. Someone who is sweptalong by events does not, as Riefenstahl did, plan future actions.Even though she was not in a relationship with Sokal, she further exploited him for his money in order to find Fanck and would again turn to Sokal at times when it was beneficial for move her career. Historian Audrey Salkeld offers a different account of events and she doesnt mention Riefenstahl travelling to the Dolomite Mountains exploitation Sokals finance. She says it was a sightseeing tour that turned out to be her destiny. Salkeld suggests that this was Riefenstahl being swept along opposing the more credible ar gument that Riefenstahl exploited Sokal in order to find Fanck.Riefenstahls willing independence to seek out Fanck and exploit those around her supports her opportunism, however, Riefenstahls early relationship with Fanck also acknowledges Salkelds claims of being swept along by events. Riefenstahl was not hesitant to exploit tennis pro, Gunther Rahn, who was hopelessly in love with her. She used him to her advantage in arranging the meet with Fanck that would launch her into the film industry. Fanck instantly prise Riefenstahls beauty and, according to Riefenstahl, just three days later he visited her in hospital with a script titled The Holy Mountain, scripted for the dancer, Leni Riefenstahl. Once again, Riefenstahl used Sokal to finance the film.Although in Riefenstahls defence, Salkald suggests the degree of Fancks fascination with her was not within her control. He considered himself her Pygmalion or sculptor, who hoped to make her the most famous woman in Germany. Without F ancks dedication to Riefenstahl she would never have been successful in her acting career and would not have learnt how to direct films, thus never being projected to Hitlers attention. Therefore, in this way Riefenstahl was swept along by events.Some historical perspectives of Riefenstahl, concerning her first project as director on The Blue Light, present her as an opportunist. Riefenstahl exploited scriptwriter Bela Balacs, Fanck as editor and once again Sokal for finance. In order to ensure all creative control was with her, Riefenstahl created Leni-Riefenstahl-Studio-Film GmbH. By making the film through this new company Riefenstahl was ensured all copyrights and credit. Then, while admitting she could not pay him Riefenstahl sought the work from filmtheorist Bela Balacs to write the script.Balacs was not resistant to her feminie charm and beauty, which Riefenstahl was never hesitant to use to achieve her goals. When Balacs threatened to sue her over debts, Riefenstahl referred the case to anti-Semitic Julius Streicher. Her letter to the district administrator transferred cause of attorney in the matter of the claims of the Jew Bela Balacs. (Bach) This shows that Riefenstahl was opportunistic by playing on the fact that Balacs was Jewish and ensured she would never have to pay him. Therefore, Riefenstahl exploited whomever she could for her own personal gain.Riefenstahls willing attendance at a Hitler rally supports her opportunism, discrediting claims that she was swept along by events. At the rally she found Hitler intriguing, describing the experience like being struck by lightning (Bach). While Riefenstahl claimed she rejected his racial ideas she wrote to Hitler just days before an important press event on her film S.O.S Iceberg. Riefenstahl concord to meet with Hitler on May 22 at Wilhelmshaven. This excitement to meet with Hitler supports the idea that she saw within the Nazis an opportunity, whether it was based on anti-Semitic ideals or rigorou sly artistic.Riefenstahl says that during the meeting Hitler announced once we come to power you must make my films. Riefenstahl claims to have denied the request, but it is unlikely as she fought and seduced to get the film role. Salkeld says that Riefenstahl was being an opportunist as this stage, commenting she had the ability to create opportunities for herself, to fashion her own destiny. Therefore, Riefenstahl was caught up in the exhilaration of the Nazi movement, however, exploited the momentum to establish her position within the Nazi movement for the time when Hitler would take power.Riefenstahls self-interested motives continue to be exposed during her perplexity of the award winning Triumph of the Will. From Riefenstahls first meeting with Hitler in 1932, she claimed she could not make his films because she needed a very personal relationship with the subject matter. Otherwise she couldnt be creative. (Bach) Riefenstahls wariness of Triumph of the Will would suggest th at she did have that personal relationship with the subject which is supported by historian Susan Sontag,arguing that Riefenstahl was glorying Nazism not only from direction of her superiors but from her own personal fondness for the party and their ideals. This explains why Riefenstahl acted so opportunistically to accept the project months in advance. Walter Traut, production manager on Triumph of the Will, also supports this idea in stating Leni Riefenstahl was not ordered She asked to do this picture. (Bach) Therefore, Riefenstahl used events for her own benefit.Riefenstahl exploited both Hitler and Goebbels in order to receive the huge budgets she demanded which is presented through her film of the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, Olympia, where she negotiated with Goebbels and the Propaganda Ministry to secure 1.5 million reichsmarks. Due to her bad book keeping and unnecessary expenditure she spent all of the money before production of the film had concluded. In attempts to secure more money, Riefenstahl exploited her ability to go directly to Hitler himself. She wept unrestrainedly to persuade him to give her an additional half a million reichsmarks. Therefore, this shows her using events for her own benefit by exploiting others around her, including the Fuhrer himself.Varying historians perspectives present Leni Riefenstahl in many ways. While many regard Riefenstahl a Nazi propagandist, an opportunist, others see Riefenstahl as a female pioneer, responsible for incredible cinematic innovation. Within her life there are many occasions where Riefenstahl showed opportunism in order to advance herself, while at other times such advancements were not within her control.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Negotiation Strategy Analysis: Vendor Negotiations

Most businesses incorporate strong negotiation skills, especially indoors the purchasing department. A company must be able to talk over with vendors to ensure they receive the best price available on items twain apply and consumed by the business this as well as includes hardware and software considerations. Regardless of the industry, building vendor relationships are prerequisite. The writer will look at vendor negotiations from twain different perspectives with unmatchable common goal negotiate the best contract for all parties. The writer will then compare and contrast the different negotiation strategies as they apply to the oil and gas industry.Vendor Negotiation Process The starting line clause is about Mark Carbrey Chief Information Officer (CIO) for a Massachusetts-based automotive service organization. His negotiation strategies allow up and coming team members to gain valuable experience with the negotiation process (Overby, 2010). He teaches his team to get ove r the vendors like a partner. He also teaches them to sort out what is important for the business, and to fact check with contacts that have similar contracts to ensure a fair grocery place price from the vendor. Carbrey also stresses the importance of acquiring the support from the board of directors down (Overby, 2010).The second article takes a slightly different approach to vendor negotiations than the first article. Joe Auer, Founder, and president of International Computer Negotiations (ICN), has over 35 years experience helping technology users do better and safer deals with vendors (ICN, 2011). Auer believes that attitude toward contract negotiation is one of the most important issues the negotiator faces. Auers article is a bulleted list of the best practices a negotiator should adhere to during the negotiation process. He uses the analogy of a buffer store with 20 years experience still uses a checklist before take-off.So too should a negotiator. He reminds the negotiat or that a supplier often places unseasonable stress on himself by telling his boss, the deal is done before he has confirmation from the negotiator. Negotiators must use this to their advantage. He also shows that wording is immanent such as using the word preferred instead of needed. Auer states the negotiation process begins the first time information transfers to a potential vendor. He also states the negotiator gains or loses power with every succeeding transaction (Auer, 2011). Application to Work EnvironmentThe oil and gas industry is very competitive. Entry into the market is easy but sustainability is difficult. The organization plagued by many of the same issues in information technology that most industries face. Using negotiating strategies is crucial to ensuring the best contract is both functional and valuable. The first article gave sound advice for setting the groundwork of negotiation strategy but did not explain the common pitfalls inexperienced negotiators face. Th e second article gave a clear checklist that a negotiator can refer to at any point during the negotiation process.Conclusion Negotiation skills are a necessary part of todays highly competitive marketplace. Building vendor relationships through the negotiation process is a delicate process. Although there is no one way to negotiate the best contract, one can incorporate the expertise of those with experience to develop the skills necessary to negotiate a fair market price with terms that fill the expectations of both parties. The two articles featured in this paper show very different perspectives with one common goal to educate the reader with tools used in past negotiations.Referencehttp//

Friday, May 24, 2019

Bioterrorism: Biological Warfare and Public Health Nursing

What is bioterrorism and how might you prepare for its effects? Bioterrorism uses infectious biological agents, such as biological warfare agents, which are colorless, and odorless derived from microorganisms that can be spread in the air as aerosols or located into food or drink to infect as many people as possible. The agents are concealed easily and said to be difficult to detect. Terrorists go to attack major cities or densely crowded areas, and government buildings (Nicolson, 2001).One such agent that was used as early as 1520 by Cortez as an fill out on the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitilan in Mexico was the smallpox virus. The American Government used this weapon during the wars with the Native Americans. The United States has eradicated the disease with vaccines over the many historic period (Graber, 2010). The latest known agent that imploded on the communities was the Anthrax virus, which was known to be in affect since 2001.Some people would actually take the agent and put it in boxes, envelopes, etc. and send it in the mail to affect others with the disease. Nurses can help to be ready in different situations, by not only erudite about early warning signals of diseases, but to know how to deal with the terrorist attacks. Healthcare workers can round disaster plans in the workplace, be available as a first responder, review the evacuation plan, and help others to deal with the events that are taking place (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008).Nurses need the understanding of disaster plans in their workplace and community and review these plans every 6 months for changes and updates. Planning for future outbreaks of disease is always a good idea, as we can never know when a disaster may strike.References Graber, M. (2010). Terrorism Updates. Retrieved from http//www. emedmag. com. Nicolson, G. (2001). Bioterrorism. Retrieved from http//www. immed. org. Stanhope, M. , & Lancaster, J. (2008). Public Health Nursing Population Centered Health Care in th e Community (7th ed. ). St. Louis, MO Mosby, Inc.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Introduction of Aeon Essay

Aeon CO. (M) BHD was incorporated on 15 September 1984 in response to the Malaysian Governments invitation to Aeon Japan to help modernise the retailing industries in Malaysia. Nowadays, Aeon CO. (M) BHD is a leading retailer in Malaysia with a total revenue of RM3.26 billion for the financial year ended 31 December 2012 and it is well established among Malaysians as well as foreigners, specially due to its association with the international Aeon Group of Companies.The Aeon Group of Companies consists of Aeon Co., Ltd. and about 200 consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies. Not only pore on its core GMS, supermarkets and convenience store operations, Aeon is also active in specialty store operations and obtain centre development, operations, credit greenback business and services. Although Aeon Group of Companies is an integrated Japanese retailer, it is active throughout Southeast Asia and China but not just in Japan.As a leading chain of General Merchandise Stores (GM S), Aeon designs a constant interior refurbishment of stores to satisfy the ever changing needs and desires of consumers. The managements acute understanding of target market needs and the provision of an optimal product-mix has also further enhanced the companys performance. In order to offer to Malaysias vast middle income group, Aeon stores are mostly situated in suburban residential areas. Besides ,Aeon activities are guided by its electrostatic Customer First philosophy at all the times and it aims to surpass expectations by combining excellent products with unique personal services that enhance the shopping experience to make customers smile whenever they are shopping in Aeon.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Supply Chain Managemetn – Scm vs. Crm and Erp

come out Chain focusing (SCM) and Customer Relationship attention (CRM) vs. Enterprise Resource System (ERP) a Comparative Paper. Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP), also referred to as the traditional management organization, was generated from the MRP or the visible Requirement Systems. Companies have utilized this system for well over 25 years. In its unproblematic set up, the MRP stores data related to inventory control and performance planning. The system is widespread with the use of one its system with the largest market share, the SAP system is the primary base system for over 60 percent of international companies.Many companies have been influenced by ERP over the years, including some(prenominal) sm every and medium size line of reasoninges it is the core of their information sueing landscape. Benefits of the ERP Systems * value to the whole tone and efficiency of a pixilated * Improvements to Customer Service and Manufacturing outputs. * Upper Level wa y can benefit with critical decision making information * Firms become more than alert after incorporating the ERP systems. Supply Chain prudence Systems (SCM) captures the relationship between a firm and its database of suppliers.The processes allows for records of productionion, sales of goods and services, delivery of goods. With this process, a firm can improve on breath times, production values and on-time deliveries of goods and services. Strategies are put in enjoin to allow companies to document inventory control data, along with financial resources require to produce quality goods and provide services in an efficient manner. As a collaborative process, SCM depicts activities where sales of products or goods and services are tight linked with consumers.The solution derived from the process allows clients and vendors to connect inventories, influence distribution and rule production. The processes are distributed between partners who collaborate on different aspect o f supplement range of mountains management including logistics, order fulfillment. Supply Chain managements core premise ensures that its distribution channels are reflected cohesively amongst its members. Succinct inventory needs and cost control are among the self-coloured benefits of SCM.Results are improved profit margins and efficient environmentally friendly transportation. Benefits of SCM System * Improvement in Firm / Vendor relationships resulting in opportunities to cut cost by a volume discount. * Improved Collaboration by developing reports to effectively progress goods and services from supplier to distributor. * Improvement in cycle times which allows unprocessed materials to be made available to your firm needs them in order to keep the production flow moving. Improvement in Conflict resolution hazard to better cope with issues on all sides of the production spectrum allows you to be proactive in your responses to problems as oppose to being blindsided by them. Customer Relationship Management (CRM), in its core element, sync up clients and vendors which ensures that goods and services are ultimately delivered to customers efficiently and in a timely manner. This process can only be embarked upon after the sales group closes if you will the sale verbalise process integrates sales, customer support, and supply chain management and customer relationship in order to enlarge the operation.The CRM system incorporates data collections in specific databases in most CRM program, the primary role of each functional session is first and foremost customer driven with sales, marketing and customer service emphasize. The goal is to place the customers with the best attributes to build long term efficient relationships. The key element in the CRM system is providing a function that helps business streamline their processes as it relates to taking care of their customer. Benefits of CRM System * Allows the collection of data tht can be shared at hear t the company. Improvement in Customer Service. * Improvement in your companys marketing strategies. Comparative Analysis Supply Chain integration though fundamental, can be difficult to implement. The ultimate goal is to effectively change the nature of the relationships between vendors and buyers from a traditional perspective to a non-traditional one. Comparatively, when implementing SCM, firms must take in to good will the impact of the human side of the equation whereas, CRM though relationship based, affects all aspect of supply chain and directly influence performance.More than likely, the base setup such as the information and technology systems needed to implement the supply chain system will be readily available and can be penalize almost immediately. Even with all this in place, there are instances where a number of supply chain and customer relationships initiatives fail due to lack of dialogue or clear and concise expectations from all parties involved. The customer relationship aspect is usually assumed by managers of a firm, and thus tries to merge the SCM and CRM, the result of said merger often end up being one the most difficult part of the integration.Maintaining a decent relationship between the customer and vendors/supplier makes for a succinct SCM and CRM integrating the two is critical to developing trust and essential to the success of the firm. Trust building is essential in developing a relationship between the SCM and CRM however, its an ongoing process that must be managed on a continual basis otherwise it can be bolshy leaving the firm vulnerable. Like supply chain management, customer relationship management is a critical contributor to a firms survival, incorporating three integral components, organizational, strategic and cultural factors in order to succeed.However, unlike SCM, Customer relationships management further breaks down these components to further impact its implementation. On the organizational level, the firm takes a have a bun in the oven at integration, commitment and system readiness and moreover, on the strategic issues, the firm considers vision planning and customer based cultured. Lastly, the 3rd component added to the mix for a successful implementation is the cultural foundation which consists of net fiting and human interaction. All of these components and sub-parts combine with comprehensive customer knowledge, contributes to a successful CRM implementation.This method emphasizes the importance of continuously identifying and whole customers ever-changing needs by the facilitation of appropriate organizational expression and management approaches (Stefanou et al. 2003). By comparison in their approach, the CRM unlike the SCM, establishes long-term relationships, combine with customer knowledge and in most cases a customer-based-focus along with a determined strategy. By impressive results, the long-term relation aspect of the CRM is fundamental and essential for the implem entation. This notion is closely related to an awareness of the positive correlation between customer retention and a companys profitability (Reichheld et al. , 2000). By the same token both SCM and CRM lays claim to customer information playing a significant role in their implementation and ultimately their success. In order to provide superb customer service, there is a certain amount of research that goes into becoming familiar with the target market and by extension the customer base within those markets.According to Winer, 2001, constructing a comprehensive customer information profile or database is the foundation for any CRM implementations. This method is also essential in the foundation of a SCM implementation. While the CRM primary approach is customer-centered and looks to building long-term interaction with customers, the SCM tends to center its approach on process management and project initiatives in order to satisfy their customer needs. The ISO 9000 is a tool impleme nted to evaluate processes of a supplier through grading and registering.This tool helps suppliers and vendors keep track of their systematic process and enable them to stay in line with standard practices. Alternative Approaches to SCM and CRM In trying to perfect standard processes, there are alternative tools to the SCM and CRM system, which in turn contributes to improving products in order to meet customer needs. These tools or approaches can generally be used in conjunction with SCM and CRM or individually. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) also known as house of quality allows engineers and marketers to communicate effectively (Hauser and Clausing 1988).Another alternative approach is the Computer-aided design (CAD), which aids in the design process. (Meredith 1987). Design of experiment (DOE) coordinates off-line functions which allow inputs to product and processes to be configured effectively for optimum customer satisfaction (Foster 2010). Though there are more design app roaches, one primary one expense mentioning is the Designs for manufacture (DFM). This approach is formulated to assist in the improvement of manufacture for products (AIAG 2008).The aforementioned approaches are not intended to be all-inclusive the intention is to spotlight a collection of tools use to improve quality and provide insights to the differences between SCM and CRM and the traditional operational system. Diverse Approaches Processing information can vary by cultural and social standings. These attributes allows managers to solve problems and process information differently. In some early research statistics shows that supply chain has significant correlation to marketing and logistics.From a research perspective, the supply chain field has essentially been a proponent for diverse management derivatives. Though research shows that theres very midget differences in traditional and supply chain practices however, the gap in the differences in process between the SCM and CRM has close in the last few years. Executive compend The relationship between software systems that impact value chain management varied in all aspects of its functions traditionally, the Enterprise Resource planning systems (ERP) system is engineered to streamline business processes and connects their information and work flow.Similarly, the Supply Chain Management Systems incorporates activities between a firm and its vendors and by so doing, it too connects their information and work flow. The Customer Relationship Management System focuses on the customer interaction with emphasis on sales, customer service, and marketing, The management of the supply chain systems can be challenging in every aspect it requires constant supervision of suppliers back to the point-of-origin and all goods/services out to the point-of-consumption might prove to be even more challenging.The key understanding is that managing these relationships could lead to power in the supply chain industry inc luding the supplier network which could provide opportunities to improve profits significantly. Ultimately, supply chain management is about establishing and managing relationships, in managing these relationships, a link is formed thereby establishing the customer relationship management process and the end result is a structure relationship between customers and suppliers. Studies show that the structure of activities within and between companies is a critical cornerstone of creating unique and superior supply chain performance.The study allows for business processes if linked, increase in potential profitability while managing individual functions could lead to an effective management system. Study also shows that optimizing the product flow can be realized if a direct approach to business is implemented. Though the focus of this paper is the relationship between the supply chain management system and the customer relationship management system, the Global Supply Chain Forum has also recognized other management processes accordingly they are * Customer Service Management * Order Fulfillment * Supplier Relationship Management Return Management * Demand Management * Manufacturing Flow Management These highly capable processes, have all been established and integrated into the supply chain management process, they all also have strategic and operational sub-processes. In order to examine how the process is implemented, the strategic sub-process provides the structure while the operational sub-process allows you to implement with detailed step-by-step instructions and furthermore, the strategic process is essential in integrating all departments in the supply chain process providing day-to-day functions operationally.Much like the supply chain management system, the customer relationship system provides structure however, the focus is primarily on the relationships between the customers and the firm. This system provides key components on developing and maintai n the relationships with could lead to long-term success. With most supply chain organization, decision on which customer base to target base on market analysis, these customers eventually becomes key target points for the firms business mission. Similarly, most of these decisions are made and put in place by a leadership team of the firm.The successful integration of the management systems across key components of the supply chain process will ultimately leads to a successful firm. Both the supply chain management and customer relationship management systems are successful when valuable resources are used proficiently. Research shows that when activities within a firm are implemented throughout the eight supply chain management process using cross-functional teams, the result is cross-functional relationships with customers and supplier. References Financial Decision qualification for Managers Volume 1, 2011 * Supply Chain Management Vs. Customer Relationship Management htt//www. smallbusiness. chron. com/supply-chain-management-vs-customer-relationship-management. chron. com * Managing relationships in the Supply Chain http//scm. ncsu. edu/scm-articles/article/managing-relationships-in-the-supply-chain * Studying the Customer Relationship Management A Case Study at Persian Technology Firm. An Executive Summary of Supply Chain Management Processes, Partnerships, Performance * Douglas M. Lambert

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Mental Health Issues Among Hiv Health And Social Care Essay

This literature reappraisal aims at researching the worldwide load of human immunodeficiency virus and its relationship with psychical wellness, Identifying intellectual and psychological wellness issues experienced by the human immunodeficiency virus positive patients. The reappraisal besides aims at analy utter the effects of these kind wellness issues in disease imitate advance and boilers suit impact of these issues on their timberland of animateness. Furthermore, the reappraisal will besides research al or so of the Global and regional enterprises for proviso of cordial wellness installations to this vulnerable population. Finally the reappraisal concludes with the critical assessment and spreads with my research inquiry and attack.Methodology/ Search schemeA dogmatic and comprehensive literature hunt was conducted to reexamine and analyse the bing literature on the topic chthonian survey. A general to item attack and skimming of the deed of conveyance and abstrac ts was followed to segregate relevant articles. Several nursing and non-nursing informations bases were searched. The hunt scheme is summarized in Figure. I. Initially the hunt was started from the Google bookman cyberspace based database to acquire clasp of the general localize of the research job. The Google bookman hunt break danceed more than 100,000 consequences which were refined through cardinal words. The hunt was built on with the cardinal words in nursing databases like CINAHL sum ( cumulative index to nursing and allied wellness literature ) , Medline and PubMed, Figure. I. For the intent of seeking more relevant surveies on the research job, lineage attack was followed commendations from already searched articles from the databases were apply to track some other surveies on the similar subject. Manual hunt was besides performed in AKUH periodicals like, Current sentiment in human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS, human immunodeficiency virus checkup specialty and J ournal of human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS & A Social Services. This literature reappraisal paper is based on synthesis of 8 surveies and 2 literature reappraisals extracted from different beginnings, combination of Western and Asiatic context, and a combination of qualitative and quantitative surveies. Abstractions, conference proceedings and commentaries were excluded. However, WHO, UNAIDS and World Bank studies on human immunodeficiency virus were included. No surveies were found from Pakistani context in respect to mental wellness issues among human immunodeficiency virus patients.Background and significance of the Research jobGlobal Burden of HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) remains a existent menace to the wellness and socioeconomic well-being of many of the states of the universe. Harmonizing to the World Health Organization ( 2011 ) world-wide sum-up of the AIDS epidemic, the entire figure of the great unwashed populating with HIV is 34.0 million out of which 30.7 million are grownups, 16.7 million are adult females and 3.3 million histories for kids & lt 15 anile ages of age. There is a considerable fluctuation in tendencies globally. Kilmarx ( 2009 ) indicates a lessening in HIV prevalence in Burma, Cambodia, and Thailand, whereas increasing quickly in Pakistan, Vietnam, and some states of Indonesia. Furthermore, there is an increasing advancement of new infections in the really thickly settled states of Bangladesh and China. Ma, Zhang, He et Al ( 2007 ) lists the study factors lending towards HIV globally and in most Asiatic states which are, injection drug usage, sex work, male-male sex, and overlap in these behaviours.Relationship mingled with HIV and mental wellnessHIV is one of the most complicated societal challenges faced by modern-day societies due to its strong ties with sexual and social stigmatized behaviour. Asante ( 2012 ) states that one time diagnosed with HIV, it may take to lower self- regard, toothless header and soci etal isolation and hapless psychological well-being. The WHO ( 2008 ) engage on HIV AIDS and mental wellness comment mental wellness and HIV/AIDS as closely interlinked. Mental wellness jobs including substance maltreatment are associated with increased hazard of HIV infection and AIDS and interfere with their intervention. time on the other manus, some mental knock overs occur as a direct consequence of HIV infection.It is of import to understand that mental wellness issues in HIV positive patients may be associated with negative experiences and hapless attachment to intervention regimens, taking to greater HIV hazard behaviour, and lower quality of life which is a critical factor in HIV attention and bar. WHO ( 2008 ) besides affirms the exposure of mental upsets that may interfere with the ability to get or implement information about HIV and pattern safe behaviours. Collins, Hollman, Freeman, and Patel ( 2006 ) reveal that natural opinion consequences in worst results for people populating with HIV and those with anxiousness, temper and substance maltreatment upsets wrangle a less or decelerate response towards anti-retroviral therapy as compared to those without any mental unwellness.Critical Analysis of the LiteratureBased on the critical psychoanalysis of the research articles, following subjects were identified which are discussed in item below. The surveies were a combination of qualitative and quantitative, largely cross-sectional surveies with assorted methods. A assortment of tools were used in these surveies to analyze different facets e.g. demographic informations, behaviours and mental wellness issues.Prevalence of Mental Health issues among HIV positive personsWorld Health Organization ( 2008 ) study on HIV AIDS and mental wellness study upliftedschooler rates of depression in HIV-positive people compared with control groups both in low- and high income states. Surveies in India have systematically inform a high prevalence of mental wellness jobs among HIV positive patients as compared to the general population ( coney & A Leibowitz, 2011 ) . Similar survey in United States besides reveals 22-32 % prevalence of depression in HIV infected persons which is 2-3 clip higher than prevalence of depression in general community ( Bing, et al. , 2001 ) . The findings from these surveies are historic and thought arousing in footings of prevalence of mental wellness issues among HIV population as compared to controls. These findings suggest the film for turn toing mental wellness issues pertinent to HIV population.Stigma and DiscriminationA important figure of research workers reported that societal stigma and discrimination of HIV septic persons, ( Das & A Leibowitz, 2011 Li, Lee, Thammawijaya, Jiraphongsa, & A Rotheram-Borus, 2009 ) fright and weakness ( Whetten, Reif, Whetten, & A Murphy-McMillan, 2008 ) , cause greater mental and psychological convulsion which finally leads to mental wellness jobs. The stigm a attached with being HIV positive creates a sense of ineptitude and the persons develop an attitude of conveying the virus as retaliation. Shin, et al. , ( 2011 ) performed a qualitative analysis to place the factors that contribute to hapless emotional wellness and its impact among Peruvian HIV-infected persons. Focus group treatments with patients and suppliers were conducted. Analysis revealed a thoughtful acumen into the profound impact of stigma, depression, isolation, and deficiency of societal support among these patients. Furthermore it was found that populating with HIV, contributed significantly to mental wellness jobs experienced by HIV-positive persons. The survey besides reported incidences of sing hopelessness, stigma, and socio-economic marginalisation of many of these patients one time diagnosed with HIV. These consequences were consistent with another survey by Jin, Zhao, Zhang, Feng, and Wu ( 2010 ) to look into the psychological position and the psychosocial exp eriences of HIV-positive people. The results of this survey suggest that HIV-positive people in eastern China besides suffered from psychological hurt and see a negative psychosocial environment one time stigmatized as HIV positive. These surveies reveal that HIV positive persons experience important stigma and favoritism which has a profound impact on their psychological and mental wellness and its association with their overall quality of life.Depression, Mood /Anxiety upsets and substance maltreatmentIn one of the survey by Bing, et al. , ( 2001 ) to mensurate the prevalence of mental upsets and drug usage among HIV positive persons in United States, half of the population screened positive for either one or more psychiatric upsets ( temper upsets, dysthymic depression, generalised anxiousness upsets and major depression ) . Furthermore, about half of the population reported usage of illicit drug out of which 12 % were drug dependant. Similar survey in Denmark by Rodkjaer, Laurse n, Balle, and Sodemann, ( 2010 ) found to hold a 38 % prevalence of depression among the HIV positive participants. The normally reported mental wellness issues in assorted other surveies were found to be mood/ anxiousness diagnosing ( 39 % ) substance maltreatment ( 21 % ) clinically relevant depression ( 76 % ) and post-traumatic tenseness upset ( 11 % ) ( Pence, Miller, Whetten, Eron & A Gaynes, 2006 ) , depression 62.3 % and anxiousness 82.3 % severally ( Morrison, et al. , 2011 ) . Studies in India besides support the high prevalence of depressive upsets, anxiousness, accommodation upsets, self-destructive purposes and efforts and intoxicant dependance among HIV positive persons ( Collins, Hollman, freewoman & A Patel, 2006 ) . Whetten, Reif, Whetten, and Murphy-McMillan ( 2008 ) attributed mental unwellness including depression, anxiousness, and posttraumatic emphasis upset ( PTSD ) related to HIV, as associated with hapless wellness results including attachment to medicine regimens and HIV hazard behaviour, such as unprotected sex and needle sharing. The overall impact suggests the increased magnitude of mental wellness upsets including depression, substance maltreatment, general anxiousness upsets, self-destructive ideation, self-destructive efforts and substance maltreatment among HIV positive patients.Social support and internalized dauntAnother subject which was found in few surveies was internalized shame and societal support. Li, Lee, Thammawijaya, Jiraphongsa, and Rotheram-Borus, ( 2009 ) carried out a research in Thailand to analyze relationship among HIV related stigma, internalized shame and societal support and its impact on quality of life of life of HIV positive persons. The consequences revealed a important negative association among societal support, internalized shame ( p= 0.001 ) and stigma ( p= & lt 0.05 ) . Furthermore important correlativity was found among depression and internalized shame ( p & lt 0.001 ) . Similar survey wa s sought in Ghana by Asante ( 2012 ) to look into the association between psychological well-being of HIV positives and societal support. Consequences revealed a negative association of depression, emphasis and anxiousness with societal support. This indicates that societal support is reciprocally relative to stigma, depression and internalized shame and some alterations in the societal environment may take to successful psychological version towards HIV.Mental wellness services for HIV patients Global and regional positionsThe critical demand to turn to mental wellness issues among HIV population is recognized globally. However, Reif, Whetten & A Raper ( 2006 ) believes that important dearth in first appearance to mental wellness persists for this susceptible population. The WHO ( 2008 ) study on HIV/ AIDS and mental wellness proposed a series of faculties and underdeveloped stuff for integrating of mental wellness intercessions into antiretroviral therapy plans. However, the a pplication and effectivity of these faculties have yet to be studied. Apart from WHO initiatives, Baingana, Thomas and Comblain ( 2005 ) affirms that The World Bank is presently the largest long-run investor in the bar and mitigation of HIV/AIDS in developing states ( p.2 ) . Despite holding identified mental wellness issues as an of import emerging wellness job for developing market economic systems ( p.2 ) , it has yet non significantly addressed the function of mental wellness in the HIV/AIDS pandemic. On the other manus, Khan and Hyder ( 2001 ) in their article reference that private academic centres in Pakistan have played their function in carry oning surveies related to HIV prevalence and cognition disposition and besides planninging appropriate medical installations and reding the HIV patients and households but these installations are limited and general populace has less entree to them. The nature of reding nevertheless, is non explicitly delimitate by the writers. The analysis from the literature exhibits deficient informations in Pakistani cultural context sing mental wellness challenges of people populating with HIV, which could be used to supply the necessary services to run into the turning demands of HIV positive population. Hence, significant relevant information demands be collected in order to propose unique(predicate) mental wellness services for these persons entirely.Critical assessment and GapsAfter an in-depth critical reappraisal on the literature, it was found that up till now there has been a famine of research on the prevalence of HIV and its associated factors. However, limited researches have been done on the selected job of mental wellness issues among this population globally. Global endeavour on Psychiatry GIP ( 2008 ) clearly regards the deductions of untreated mental morbidity as both mental wellness and human rights issue. It farther emphasizes that the strong nexus between mental wellness and HIV is a fact but real ly small attending has been paid to this association.There seems a deficiency of grounds sing mental wellness issues in developing states like Pakistan. The grounds for this could be unequal informations, societal stigma attached to HIV in the state and under reported HIV instances ( Khan & A Hyder, 2001 ) .The groundss above ascertain the significance of the inquiry under survey. Furthermore, no grounds of such survey which could research the mental wellness issues of HIV positive persons in Pakistan was found during the literature hunt.Restatement of Research QuestionAs portion of my thesis, my research inquiry after this reappraisal would be What mental wellness issues are prevailing among HIV positive patients in Pakistan, and what is the impact of these mental wellness issues in their perceptual experience, over disease patterned advance and quality of life? This could be a assorted methodological analysis, i.e. a combination of qualitative and quantitative attack. Appropriat e tools would be selected for measuring specific parts of the research inquiry after proof. Focus group treatments and interviews may be used where relevant to acquire the responses.DecisionThe analysis of the literature reveals that mental wellness jobs are widespread among the known HIV-positive patient population. These jobs include but are non limited to stigma, and societal isolation, anxiousness, major depression, substance maltreatment, station traumatic emphasis upsets, societal isolation and many more. The findings indicate that important attending to these issues in context of HIV intervention and bar must be warranted ( Whetten, Reif, Whetten, & A Murphy-McMillan, 2008 ) . The high prevalence of these upsets suggests the demand for more mental wellness attention installations for HIV-positive patients particularly in less developed and developing states like Pakistan. There is unequal counsel and psychiatric services available for this population particularly in low inc ome states. The mental wellness intercession must non be undermined for these HIV positive persons. healthcare bureaus must understand the psychosocial and socio cultural context of HIV, guarantee intervention attachment and bar and work at their best to relieve mental wellness jobs among HIV positive patients. This vulnerable population calls for a suited place in the society and ensured optimal quality of life.

Monday, May 20, 2019

MBA Admissions Essays

assay 1List virtuoso of your most significant professional or constitutional accomplishments. Describe your precise role in this event and how it has helped to shape your management skills.I started out initially as a technical support congresswoman for a Stage Software Inc. in 2003 for a period of six months while presently I am associated with McKing Consulting Corporation. still for a period of two years I was associated with SunTrust Bank, where I started out as a Staff Accountant level one and in a years duration was promoted to the next level this was based on outstanding job performance and proposal.In addition during the initially form I was one of the team members who was responsible for relocation and change of the accounting system of an acquired bank into SunTrusts accounting system. (Listed as Significant Achievement in the Resume)In the beginning of my last year with the bank, SunTrust finance organization recognized some specific changes in motley departments . This was done to realign its objectives to achieve strategic fancy of the Bank. Consequently, my departments operations were altered the Controllers to Finance operations. Prior to the changes the monthly financial closing be s cross-functional departments, my department was withal a part of this financial closing. Following were some of the problems which existed in the ancientFor each financial closing a significant challenge was that most of the time some of the much heavy processes which were crucial for month end close were missed or delayed.Communication between team members was any limited or non-existentThere was no system in place for a smooth flow of process.Understanding the motivating to restructure the month end process, I rose to the challenge by taking the idea of synchroneity the month end close. As I was non very(prenominal) familiar with the diametrical processes, my in association was one of the major impediments. I succeeded in coming up with a t ask plan to achieve the goals.Initially I set up a meeting with the related teams and managers who were involved to get familiar with the antithetic month end actions that needed to be processed. From the information received at the meeting I was equal to(p) to draftsmanship a month end schedule, which detailed a list of responsibilities and prioritized the orders. This was presented for productive criticisms and reaction. It was accepted by the teams and the managers and subsequently its implementation there was a remark competent improvement in the month end process.This experience taught me the splendor of working as a team and the importance of communication and coordinationa skill which is essential for problem leaders and managers. In addition the significance of organization and time management through prioritization to achieve objectives became very clear. This was my archetypal experience as a leader as I initiated the change to create a more efficient set-up.The opp ortunity gave me an insight into the organizational processes. Although at a very basic level however this initiative showed me as a leader and strengthen my professional growth however it was non enough as there is a need to further strengthen and polish the skills I wipe out and MBA degree would he helpful in these respects. I am confident that my MBA experience leave behind deliver the goods me with ample opportunities to demonstrate my leadership skills and withal learn from future leaders.Essay 2Of Goizuetas core note think ofs (courage, integrity, accountability, rigor, diversity, team, community), which value resonates most with you and why? 1 pageCourage is the something which I believe is a very important part of my character and life. Almost 8 years back when I left Nigeria leaving behind family and friends I was not sure what it would be like in the United States and the people and the environment was completely alien for me. hitherto it was my de experimental c onditionination and my courage which made me carry on in spite of all the adversities. I was fixed to be successful in my life and through perseverance and concerted effort I was equal to(p) to assimilate in the new society.Initially it was very depressing as I was all alone and had no one to turn to and I realized that if I kept on pondering about it I would have to return. For this I form a plan to succeed and I went started implementing it. I found a group of immigrants from Nigeria this group provided a sense of support to carry on and eventually I was subject to familiarize myself with the surroundings.Another thing I realized was to be financially independent. In Nigeria it was the parents obligation to put children through school however here I had to get and education and support myself at the same time. With careful research, I realized that I would be able to secure financial charge and apply for scholarship to pay for school.The immigration experience has in reality strengthened my character different ways and this strength would be helpful two for my career and my personal life. Though it may profound clichd, that courage in the face of adversity inadvertently leads to success. Through this experience I also learned to value and be sensitive to other cultures and to enrich others with mine. I also discovered myself, a thing that would not have happened if I had not been exposed to this kind of experience. I was brave and I had a vision of my future, my resilience and optimism have paved the way for success.Essay 3Of Goizuetas core values (courage, integrity, accountability, rigor, diversity, team, community), which value resonates most with you and why? 1 pageCourage is the something which I believe is a very important part of my personality and life. Almost 8 years back when I left Nigeria leaving behind family and friends I was not sure what it would be like in the United States and the people and the environment was completely alien for me. However it was my de termination and my courage which made me carry on in spite of all the adversities. I was fit(p) to be successful in my life and through perseverance and concerted effort I was able to assimilate in the new society.Initially it was very depressing as I was all alone and had no one to turn to and I realized that if I kept on pondering about it I would have to return. For this I formed a plan to succeed and I went started implementing it. I found a group of immigrants from Nigeria this group provided a sense of support to carry on and eventually I was able to familiarize myself with the surroundings.Another thing I realized was to be financially independent. In Nigeria it was the parents office to put children through school however here I had to get and education and support myself at the same time. With careful research, I realized that I would be able to secure financial abet and apply for scholarship to pay for school.The immigration experience has in r eality strengthened my character different ways and this strength would be helpful both for my career and my personal life. Though it may enunciate clichd, but courage in the face of adversity inadvertently leads to success. Through this experience I also learned to value and be sensitive to other cultures and to enrich others with mine. I also discovered myself, a thing that would not have happened if I had not been exposed to this kind of experience. I was brave and I had a vision of my future, my resilience and optimism have paved the way for success.Essay 4What do you expect to accomplish in the Goizueta Business School MBA program? How will your participation in the MBA program fit in with your experiences and responsibilities as well as your short and long-term career goals?My life and the experiences since 1998 have been anything but normal. Emigrating from Nigeria was the first important landmark in my life. However, when I graduated from Georgia State University with a ma jor in account and Computer Information Systems I realized that in fact my BBA Cum Laude was the first goal in procession goals I had lined up. After my graduation my past four years experience in different organizations mentioned in the resume have helped me gain the friendship and experience I feel was inevitable to start my MBA degree which I regard as the final step before seriously start a career.Even as my professional experiences have facilitated me to develop strong skills in Accounting with the application of technology, I believe that at this point my career objective is to evolve into corporate finance by channeling my experience and developing further my knowledge of finance. I am convinced that an MBA with concentration in finance couple with my professional familiarity will be an important asset creating a path to achieve my career goals.My short goal is to obtain a job related to Corporate Finance in a endangerment 500 company or to enter corporate finance pract ice of a consulting firm. This goal has been formed because of my experience working as a second level accountant in the Controllers division of SunTrust bank. My experience at SunTrust has ease offn me the experience needed to understand the dynamics of finance and operational activities through the various accounting assignments I participated in.My long term objectives are strategic objectives based on the short term ones, because my ultimate goal after gaining extensive knowledge and experienceis to form a financial advisory services firm that will cater to the needs of small to mid-size companies by helping organizations with raising capital, and ground-breaking financial planning solutions that will improve financial performance and value of business.An MBA from Emory University is necessary because will provide the supernumerary knowledge base that are vital to fulfill the different short term and long term career goals.What particularly interests me is Gozuietas commitme nt to leadership development through the plus programs and extracurricular activities which would give ample opportunity for me to further improve and enhance my leadership skills. Also, Goizuetas flexible program will not only help polish my skills in other fundamental functional business areas but will also allow me to modify my selection of courses according to detailed career interests.Most importantly, my visit to Emory University was both informative and inspirational I was able to obtain more information about the structure of the program. In addition, it gave me the chance to interact with alumni, current MBA students and a faculty member. I it was very beneficial listening to their first hand experiences and also learn about the close-knit community at Goizueta. This I believe is very significant as it allows the fostering of meaningful relationships. Overall, I was really impressed with the talent and diversity of the students this has sure strengthened my resolve to be a part of Goizueta business school. If given an opportunity I chequer you that I would contribute through my hard work and experiences to the classroom and more importantly gain knowledge and an understanding of the corporate world.

Sunday, May 19, 2019


Kilye Harrelson Ms. Vogel British Literature 13 December 2010 Winnie the Pooh Christopher robin redbreast. Owl. Rabbit. Kanga. Roo. Eeyore. Tigger. piglet. Winnie the Pooh. Most Americans hunch who these features atomic number 18 they probably grew up depicting more or less these char spoters at space or maybe even in school. These popular characters exhaust been around for many years. E genuinelybody has a deary character in these stories that they can relate to in rough liberal of way. In the Winnie the Pooh stories, each character represents a different outlook on life and personality from which young readers can learn about separate people and themselves.The only human character in the Winnie the Pooh stories is Christopher Robin. Christopher Robin is a young male child around eight years one and only(a)time(a). He is the son of Alan Alexander Milne the author of only the Winnie the Pooh stories. He has chocolate-brown hair The characters in the Winnie the Pooh stories were originated from stuffed animals belonging to Christopher Robin. To me he is kind of like the hero in the layer. Christopher often calls Pooh barmy old bear(How Winnie The Pooh Works). When Pooh and the other animals are in trouble or in need of help, the animals know that Christopher Robin go away forever be there.He tries to solve his friends problems and he usually solves if not all save more or less of their problems. Christopher and his animals friends love to go on adventures in the snow Acre Woods where they live. Christopher is e genuinelywhereall a true hero and a true friend. Owl is somewhat of a know-it-all in the stories. Hes kind of like a teacher or a professor. He tries to reserve useful advice and suggestions. His words of wisdom usually eff keep going and bite him in the butt. He loves to read books that are going to make him wiser such as dictionaries and encyclopedias.When Pooh or one of the other characters go over to Owls house to go away them to go away he often says well I must get back to my encyclopedia (Hoff 42). Owl will tell stories to guests and anyone who will listen. When he starts recounting a story he tends to just go on and on. When he starts going on and on is usually when Pooh and the other animals will try and seek away. Owl can really be a real bore sometimes. He has the brains in the stories. He has the wisdom. Rabbit is always cranky and concerned that mortal is going to mess up his beautiful garden. tiger is usually the one that messes up his garden. He is precise stubborn.Rabbit is truly pu faint and likes to make his own decisions. He is also a great speller compared to the other animals. He is rattling concerned about the important occasions in life. He happens to like a rattling serene life with no surprises. Although Tigger and Pooh bring him plenty of surprises. Rabbit loves gardening and his favorite thing to educate is carrots and other vegetables. He makes sure that he avoids Po oh during lunch time, so that Pooh doesnt eat everything from his garden. Rabbit is very smart. He actually makes in clear in a conversation with Owl where he says You and I have brains. The others have fluff(Mander).He thinks he the smartest animal in the One one hundred Acre Woods. Rabbit and Owl are the only real animals in the story. The others are stuffed animals. Kanga is the motherly figure in the story. She is the voice of reason. She is the mother of a baby kangaroo named Roo. She is always very helpful. She comforts all of the other animals when they are feeling crushed or down about something. She is the fastest animal in the One Hundred Acre Woods. She carries her family in a easy lay that is on the front of her body. She is always warning her son Roo about the dangers in the adventures that he goes on with Tiger and the other animals.Kanga is always saying Now now Roo, you mustnt do that dear to which Roo mostly replies besides moma (Mander). She is always worrying about Roo getting hurt on all of the adventures he goes on. Kanga goes over to Poohs house to try and teach him how to jump. Kanga is very proud of her son Roo and the rest of the gang too. Roo is the youngest character in the story. His best friend is Tiger. He loves going on adventures with Tiger and all of the other animals. Roo and Tiger reach always bouncing everywhere they go. Even though Roo knows better he is always getting into some kind of trouble.He is kind of a trouble maker when hes with Tigger. He loves discovering new things in life. Dont let his climb on fool you. He often expresses his thoughts that make him sound a lot wiser and older then he really is. He is kind of like a little kid in pre-school be serve, he is tranquillize in trouble. Eeyore is my favorite character in the story. He is about three years old. He is a very gloomy donkey. He is hardly ever happy but his grumpiness might behave from having a tail pined in his butt all of the time. Eeyore doesn t see himself as gloomy. He just has low expectations. But he is a very lovable character.He is always losing his tail. He depends on his friends to rally his tail. When his friends find it Christopher Robin has to fix his tail using a drawing pin. He is very intelligent but likes to keep to his self. He loves that his friends care enough about him to remember him on his birthday. He often says thank for noticin me and Oh well (Mander). His house is always getting knocked over by someone or something mostly Tigger bounces them down. He spends most of his time trying to put it back together. He says Ah, thats why nobodys bothered, I suppose. I thought perhaps theyd forgotten (Hoff 17).Nobody ever helps him put his house back together. But he never says a word to anyone about it. Even though Eeyore might act like hes helping just because theres nothing else to do. Dont under estimate him because he is always there for his friends. Tigger is kind of like the ADHD kid in the world toda y. He can never sit still. He is always moving around. He has black and orange stripes and a springy tail. Tigger loves to bounce cause that is what Tiggers to best(Mander). He bounces everywhere he goes. He is the one of the kind creature in the story because of his springy tail.Tigger and Roo are always going on adventures and getting into trouble. Tigger doesnt mean to but he always messes up Rabbits garden. Tigger is always looking to make the best out of what life has to offer. The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is that Im the only one (Mander). Tigger is very hyperactive. He loves trying to help others with their problems. He also takes a lot of pleasure in being able to unbounce some of the other animals in the One Hundred Acre Woods(Mander). He has a very fun loving personality. Tigger is a one of the very loved animals in the One Hundred Acre Woods.Everybody loves him except for rabbit. He drives Rabbit insane. When Tigger finds out something exciting he cant wait to go and tell his friends about it. Piglet is a very small little pink pig. Hes very shy and afraid of everything. But at the same time he is very brave. He always wears a long pink striped shirt. Piglet loves to go on adventures with his best friend Winnie the Pooh. He loves impudent colors and balloons. But his favorite thing to do is blow dandelions. The first thing that Piglet utters when he gets up in the morning is I wonder whats going to happen exciting today? (Mander).Piglet is very afraid of the dark. Whenever Piglet gets scared he often says Oh, d-d-d-dear(Meet the Characters). Even though Piglet is a very small animal, he will conquer his fears to help his friends (How Winnie the Pooh Works). Even though Piglet is so small He has a very big heart and loves all of his friends very much. Winnie the Pooh is a very friendly and loving bear. He goes by Pooh or Pooh bear. But Never by Winnie. he wears an old red shirt. Pooh loves honey with a passion. He spells honey hunny. He is always getting in to some kind of trouble trying to look for honey.If he ever runs out of honey he will go around and ask every single one of his friends if they have a jar. He tries to get honey from beehives also and bees always chase him for trying to take their honey. Pooh has very little brains and with tell you that himself. He does a lot of silly things. He is friend with everyone in the One Hundred Acre Woods. The first thing Pooh says when he wakes up in the morning is whats for breakfast(Mander). He loves going on adventure with Christopher Robin, Piglet and all of the other animals. Pooh is always looking for Hunny to Fill the Rumblee in his Tumblee(Mander).Pooh is also a hero in a way. But when people think of Pooh, they think kind, loving, sweet, helpful, friendly old bear. At the end of all these wonderful stories Christopher Robin has to go off to school to learn the alphabet and how to write. School becomes important to Christopher Robin and he doesnt have time to sp end with Pooh and the other animals. His childhood was ending, but his friends did not change one single little bit. They understood that Christopher Robin had to go to school to learn so that he could come back and teach them new things. Such as the alphabet, reading, and how to write.But because the animals are true friends they did not get disgusted a t Christopher Robin for leaving them behind. I think that the lesson in these stories is that friendship is a very important thing in life that everybody needs. Everybody needs a friend that they know will be there through thick and thin. There are several other lessons in these stories. Like everyone has a hero or that everybody can conquer their fears. Everyone reads these stories when there little but when they get older they jazz the real meanings and lessons in the story.Works Cited Disney. Meet the Characters. 010. <http//disney. go. com/index>. HowStuffWorks. Inc. How Winnie the Pooh Works. 2010. 1998-2010 <http//elec tronics. howstuffworks. com/how-winnie-the-pooh-works1. htm>. Mander, Keith. Characters from Winnie the Pooh. . 1998-2010 <http//www. just-pooh. com/100acre. html>. Mander, Keith. History of Winnie the Pooh. . 1998-2010 <http//www. just-pooh. com/history. html>. Shepard, Ernest H. The Tao Of Pooh. New York E. P. Dutton, 1982. Wikstrom, Marilyn. Winnie-the-Pooh. 2010. 17 Nov. 2010 <http//web. ebscohost. com/lrc/ distributor point>.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

American Identity Paper

Occurred an American Is a psyche who doesnt abide much compared to the people in Europe. in that respect are no kings, lords, or bishops that catch all the power. In America every soulfulness works for himself and finds a way to travel to where is needed. Coming through America there isnt castles or view mansions everywhere compared to Europe. People live in huts made out of c gravel and cabins where men and cattle lay to keep warm.When a psyche comes to America they are considered disembarrass and are able to be adjoin among others. There isnt one soulfulness who is in charge like a prince or princess that controls all of the people. either person Is able to rack up their own decision on whatever they choose to do In America. America Is a assortment of people with different cultures that come together as one federation who do not Judge one another or look down upon. There Is no rich or low-down community, every person Is considered to be equal among one another.Americ a Is now considered the about perfect society In the world today. Living in the British Society, many people were modest and frowned upon because they were poor or didnt meet certain standards of others. As Occurred says, The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe meaning that universe poor led to being a slave and lived in horrible areas. Many people that were poor didnt want to continue living that way. There was one ruler who may have been the king, lord or bishop that was In control of everyone and told the people what to do.As man started traveling out of Europe and moved towards America, It was realized that they didnt have to continue living the way they were. People were not being controlled In American and told what to do as In Europe. As America was being discovered the people saw what is was like to be free and equal among the other people and decided to move there. Any race or culture is reliable and will not be judged or criti cized. Not one person is considered to be poor or rich and also every person was free and didnt have to live under one person as a ruler.Every person was able to make their own decisions on what they chose to do. By libertarians According to blazon outvoucher an American is a person who doesnt have much equal among others. There isnt one person who is in charge like a prince or princess that controls all of the people. Every person is able to make their own decision on whatever they choose to do in America. America is a mixture of people with different down upon. There is no rich or poor community, every person is considered to be equal among one another.America is now considered the most perfect society in the because they were poor or didnt meet certain standards of others. As Occurred Many people that were poor didnt want to continue living that way. There was one ruler who may have been the king, lord or bishop that was in control of everyone and towards America, it was realize d that they didnt have to continue living the way they People were not being controlled in American and told what to do as in Europe. As and will not be Judged or criticized. Not one person is considered to be poor or rich

Friday, May 17, 2019

Informative Speech on Influenza

Title grippe Purpose The purpose of my speech is to educate the audience about prevention, treatment and how to get by whether a mortal is suffering from the flu rather than a nonher illness such as the communal cold. Thesis debate There argon galore(postnominal) different ship canal to break the chain of infection and protect yourself and those al closely you from getting the flu, startle with something as simple as hand washing is one of the key ways to reduce your bump of many illnesses including the flu. I. Introduction A. Attention GetterMillions of people in the United States become redact with the flu each year and theres probably a good possibility that most of the people in here have suffered from it at some point in their life, do you have intercourse how to treat the flu if you or someone close to you has it, or do you know what measures to take in order to prevent yourself from getting it? B. Relevance Statement It may not seem severe to many people in here b ut if you plan on entering the healthc atomic number 18 field consequently you will probably encounter many patients over the course of your career that are ill with the flu.If these patients are elderly, infants or pregnant women then it is important that you know the signs and symptoms, ways to treat the flu and methods to prevent the flu to avoid complications related to the flu ranging from pneumonia or even death according to the CDC (2013). C. Credibility Statement I have been working in the healthcare field for the past six years and currently I am employed by a local nursing home as a certify practical nurse and these past two months have been hectic due to the severity and outbreak of the fluke this year.When one person contracts the flu in a nursing home it spreads quickly. This year we had to shut down pat(p) dining our main dining room where residents can eat together and also the resident common area due to the outbreak of the flu this year. It started with one pers on and then next thing you know within days over half of the residents were showing signs and symptoms of the flu. Next thing we had to do was protect ply from the ones who tested positive for the flu by having them wear masks, gown and gloves whenever going into a room with a resident that had the flu.Then almost everyone resident needed their vital signs measure especially their temperature every shift and not long after that every resident was placed on Tamiflu which is an antiviral medication to prevent the flu or lessen the severity if you already contracted the flu. The point I am trying to gather in is that the flu is not only severe and spreads quickly it also takes a lot of work and cost quite a bit of money to treat especially when you have an outbreak that nearly spreads through with(predicate) the whole facility which is not uncommon in nursing homes during flu seasons. D.Thesis Statement There are many different ways to break the chain of infection and protect yourse lf and those around you from getting the flu, starting with something as simple as hand washing is one of the key ways to reduce your risk of many illnesses including the flu. E. Purpose The purpose of my speech is to educate the audience about prevention, treatment and how to know whether a person is suffering from the flu rather than another illness such as the common cold. transit First, let me begin by defining some of the common causes and symptoms associated with the flu.