Thursday, May 30, 2019

Household Waste! :: essays research papers

Household Waste     One morning my mamma said "Andy, get up and sponge the bathroom" It wasalways an essential and important labor to the family. I got up and ga in that locationd allthe normal cleaning agents we used Ajax, ammonium hydroxide, and this liquid bleach thatmy mom said worked wonders. The toilet I cleaned using the Ajax the sink Icleaned using the Ajax there seemed to be no need for the other two. Then I bywordit- the bath tub, AH There was a ring around the bath tub that I knew would bedifficult to clean off. I decided to add the ammonia I scrubbed at the ring butit was not coming off. I then looked around come backing what to do     "The Bleach" I yelled aloud. And then -- it hit me, my moms hand.     "Never, Never, Never, use Bleach with ammonia. Infact dont mix anychemicals with one another."     This is an excellent example of common mistakes people make whe n dealingwith household chemicals/cleaners. In this assignment I will examine differentcleaners commonly used in my house.I Ajax     I go to the cupboard and find a underside of the powder, Ajax. The can use tohave a piece of tape to cover the diadem but now it has been lost a potentialproblem. The can has an expiration date on it, 9/98. This expiration date may beincorrect because that piece of tape to cover it has been lost for some while now.II Windex     In the cupboard in the upstairs bathroom is where we keep the Windex.The Windex is blue and clearly labelled, with no chance of any person mistakingit for something else. The top part is tightly screwed on with Windex filled to of the original volume. I cannot find any expiration date, nor can I find anyhint there ever was one. I should contact the product vender to see if theWindex is immortal or what.III vinegar     I go to the kitchen cupboard and find vinegar. Vinegar is what we use tomop our tile floor with. The vinegar has an "Easy flip-off cap" and is abouthalf of what it originally was. This too, has no evidence of an expiration date.I dont think I need to contact the item vendor because its only vinegar.IV Formula 409     Next to the Ajax in our "Cleaner-Cupboard" we carry Formula 409, theideal for kitchen clean-up. It is clearly labeled with no chance for

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