Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Assignment-Provide written responses to the following reading Essay

Assignment-Provide written responses to the following reading assignments. Responses should include Direct quotes (2-3 +) with commentary about the quotes and a reasonable amount of focused content - Essay Example The grocer tells him that the smaller priest disturbed the apple cart ran. When Valentin goes on to look for Father Brown, he goes to another restaurant and finds a window smashed and learns that it was broken by the little priest. 2. The story starts with â€Å"A little girl was driving home her cow, a plodding, dilatory, provoking creature in her behavior, but valued her companion for all that† (Jewett 48). I think the writer used a cow as a metaphor for Sylvia’s fingers. The writer was trying to show that Sylvia used to masturbate. Another event was when she climbs the tree and reaches at the top of the vine and sees the ocean she apprehends this â€Å"vast and awesome world† (Jewett 55). Here, I think the narrator explains that she reached her orgasm and the world was signified by her body that can be overcome by her. The last event was when she refused to tell the hunter where to find the white heron meaning she refused to surrender her virginity to him. 3. The first and the second line of the poem The World Is Too Much with Us explains the core matter that man is misusing the world and wiping it out. On the second line when the author says â€Å"Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers† (Wordsworth 3). He is trying to show that man has the capability and power to take care of nature but instead we are wasting it and thus not using â€Å"our powers† (Wordsworth 3) to conserve it. 4. â€Å"By woman wailing for her Demon Lover† (Coleridge & Tuley 23). In this line, the writer compares this to grains that are falling from the stem as they are threshed. The second line that is more appealing is â€Å"The shadow of the Dome of Pleasure† (Coleridge & Tuley 23) whereby the writer explains the pleasure in the dome and thus sounding as music. 5. What is interesting is the fact that both have a brilliant start. Another interesting thing in the story is how the two had their

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