Saturday, October 19, 2019

Within the context of the boundaryless career critically analyse the Essay

Within the context of the boundaryless career critically analyse the challenges faced by graduates in a volatile global economy - Essay Example This factor deters many graduates from securing internship and job opportunities (Sturges 2000). There are issues such as lack of suitable skill required in the job market by employers and over qualification on other job areas (Queck 2011). Therefore, this paper is going to discuss the meaning a career and boundaryless career, the major challenges affecting graduates and their mechanisms of avoiding the setbacks. Additionally, it will also analyze the effects of volatile economy upon the graduates in their search for internships and jobs. Therefore, we define career as a form of profession that is taken by a person for certain duration with the purpose of personal development. On other hand, a boundaryless career entails those careers of changing companies, locations, jobs, specializations or industries. In other words, boundaryless careers have no bounds and it grants an individual the opportunity of movement. In addition, a person is able to define himself in accordance with his jo b rather than the company. This enables a person to guide their careers by adapting to the changing surroundings (Arthur 1997). Alternatively, several main contents of theoretical perspective influence graduates in boundaryless careers. ... Furthermore, opinion the persons who go against the society in terms of career development should not be ignored. This is backed by the career theory, which tries to comprehend the phenomena of careers and analyses aspects of careers beyond the usual confines of the society. However, I am against the argument that graduates should be offered employment they want and not the conventional grounds of traditional employment. This is because a number of factors have influenced the current graduates. For instance, demographic and workforce factors, changes in the organization structure and new trends in the job market. It is such attitudes of job discrimination that has prevented many graduates from securing jobs hence increasing the rate of unemployment. It is therefore, imperative to note that a theory such career theory backs boundaryless careers as it seeks to analyze the broader spectrum of career development (Lent & Brown 2005). Furthermore, this theory tries to break the traditional limitations of how society views careers. This theory incorporates among other issues career counseling that aims to understand the employee on how he finds the job and the challenges of doing the job (Shaikh 2011). This theory further aims to understand the networks of career development used by employees in boundaryless careers utilize to communicate. However, there critics of the career theory argue that it supports only pluralism instead of unity, which is unproductive for the worker and the organization. There are numerous challenges facing graduates in terms of securing internships and obtaining gainful employment. For example, there is the obstacle of

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