Saturday, February 8, 2020

Need to be paraphrase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Need to be paraphrase - Essay Example This research paper provides how Value Stream mapping a lean tool can be used for the achievement of effective environmental waste management. Value Stream mapping techniques as a lean management tools is effective as it identifies the underlying issues or problem and maps out how it can be addressed both in the current and in the future. The application of this construction lean tool is investigated through the examination of the various construction projects taking out analysis on each stage. The findings in regard to these construction firms study are analysed determining its green lean approach and its environmental sustainability. INTRODUCTION The art of construction is one of the core pillars of any country economic growth. Despite of its importance this aspect of economic growth has its underlying problems attributed to it. It is notable that most construction works and operations results into production of waste commonly in areas where demolition work is in progress. Accordin g to Green (1999) in his research asserts that most of the stakeholders of the construction works do not take into account its implications to the environment before undertaking them. This aspect has led to the stakeholders applying lean management tools to mitigate the impacts and keeping the environment green. Green brings forward the concept of lean construction which mainly involves the incorporation of lean thinking in construction. Koskela (1992) adds that lean construction improves the reliability and quality. The research on lean manufacturing is essential in ensuring that construction works conform to the environmental conservation measures. As stated earlier that construction sector has been considered to be highly associated with poor management of pollution notably waste management and the general conservation of environment. This has been attributed by adoption of traditional management and sustainability concepts of construction. Thus, due to this deficiencies construc tion firms have shifted towards the adoption of lean construction and the overall sustainability practices in its construction projects (Smith, 2003).. The lead construction initiatives aiming sustainability are based on VSM techniques and the achievement of lean and green sustainability. This management approach of construction projects enhances stakeholder’s efforts in the implementation of sustainability strategies in the construction project stages. The effectiveness and the reliability of VSM techniques is that its system has been integrated with both the production and environmental sustainability (EPA, 2007a). Research on the implementation of the construction lean management techniques in construction work has not been done widely. Stakeholders have overemphasized the aspect of environmental conservation in the design phase instead of the crucial construction phase. Larger amount of waste is realized in the construction phase. This has resulted into intensive research towards the adoption of value stream mapping in the environmental conservation in construction sites. VSM is widely adopted in the manufacturing sector in the management of waste in the whole process and has proved to be effective. Effective adoption f this technique ensures that all the

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