Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Law of Attraction free essay sample

The laws of nature do not apply only to earth. Our entire universe follows the same laws. These laws never change. Your coffee on a counter will always become cool. Gravity remains steady never random. The speed of light remains constant. The earth rotates in 24 hours. The laws of physics is a pattern that nature obeys without exception. It is important to understand that all matter is energy. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions also follow certain laws. Many people are not aware that every thought we think and every emotion we feel has a measurable frequency. We humans are a part of nature. The human body, mind, thought, emotions and feelings are also governed by certain laws. Now, just because we are not able to see thoughts and emotions does not mean that they do not affect the world around us. You cannot see electricity, but it helps people worldwide and no one seems to understand it. We will write a custom essay sample on The Law of Attraction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You cannot see gravity but that does not mean that gravity does not exist. Through visualization, meditation, and affirmations we can attain any goal we set out for ourselves. As humans we have the power to change our reality simply by changing our thoughts and what we focus on. What you focus on and put energy in expands. Visualization can help you to have greater focus, it can inspire you, and it can help build self confidence. With all of this it becomes easier for you to achieve your goals, not to mention you are seeing yourself accomplish these goals in your mind’s eye so your mind starts to believe you can accomplish these goals and starts the process towards those goals. Most people are not aware of this but it is important to understand that our earth is conscious, the same way as every cell in our body is conscious. Every cell and organ in our bodies perform their tasks without any of our voluntary behaviour. It is important to choose your thoughts wisely because the earth and the universe is very receptive to your thoughts, feelings and emotions. It is important to have a vision and visualize how you would like your life to be because it is the first step to achieving your goals and desires. Having a vision of how you want your life to be gives you a sense of direction and a map to follow in order to attain fulfilment in your life. As we visualize and see ourselves having and doing the things we want, we begin to become more confident in ourselves. The more confident you become in yourself, the more you start to do and be, which in turn, builds even more self confidence. It is important to believe in yourself. There is a famous quote by Henry Ford and it goes something like this, Whether you think you can or can`t, you are right. Visualization is also a form of meditation. Simply by visualizing what you desire in life will help you attract opportunities and situations into your life that will guide you to your goal. Neuroscientists have found that mediators shift their brain activity to different areas of the brain. The waves in the stress prone right frontal cortex move to the calmer left frontal cortex. This mental shift decreases the negative effects of stress, depres sion and anxiety. Meditation is a form of soul searching. Through meditation you become in alignment with your true self. Meditation is a fundamental step in the law of attraction. Meditation helps you understand yourself, it helps you understand your values and motivations in life. When a person knows what they are motivated by and what their values are then it becomes easier for them to start taking steps towards attaining their goals. Meditation helps you quite your mind from all of the mental chatter and helps you turn your focus inwards. You will find answers to all of your questions within yourself. There are many different ways one can meditate. Setting in a lotus posture is not the only way to meditate. Listening to music, drawing, looking at art, reading books that challenge and inspire you, yoga, and simply setting or walking in nature is also a form of meditation. There are many physiological, physiological and spiritual benefits to meditation. Through meditation you can overcome many of lifes challenges. Studies show that people that meditate are less prone to illnesses and have the ability to focus better. It is important to have a strong focus because where focus goes, energy flows. Through meditation you become at peace with yourself and all that exists. Meditation is also a way to affirm what you are driven by and what makes you happy. Through meditation you open your heart and make space for all the infinite possibilities that this beautiful universe has to offer. The law of attraction only works for those who have space available for what this life has to offer. Lastly, it is important to affirm yourself on a daily basis. Affirmations are positive, specific statements that helps you overcome negative thoughts. They help you visualize, and believe in, what you are affirming to yourself. Affirmations helps you make positive changes to your life and career. You can use affirmations in any situation where you would like to see positive change take place. You can use affirmations to raise your confidence before presentations, important meetings, and projects. You can also use affirmations to control negative feelings such as frustration, anger or impatience. Affirmations help you improve your self esteem and productivity. As I mentioned earlier, thought and emotions have a frequency. We attract positive people, events, and situations simply by keeping a positive state of mind. Affirmations are a big part of the law of attraction. Also, through affirmations we constantly remind ourselves about our goals and desires. It is a good way to keep yourself on track. It is important to understand that when you keep a positive attitude and mindset you attract like minded people into your life. When you wake up in the morning, take a moment to affirm yourself by saying to yourself , Today is a great day, every situation I come across today is a positive and learning experience and all is well. It is important to form your affirmations in the present tense, this helps you believe that this statement is true right now. It is also important to repeat your affirmations as soon as you start to engage in a negative thought or behaviour. Affirmations are more effective when they are thought or said with feeling. In conclusion, the universe listens to your thoughts and feelings so use this knowledge to your advantage. Your thoughts and beliefs shape and effect how you perform and how you see the world around you. We humans are capable of manifesting anything in our lives as long as we have the right intention and focus. Through visualization, meditation and affirmation we gain the tools to overcome lifes obstacles and become whole as a person. Thoughts send out magnetic energy so it is important to choose your thoughts consciously. We can use the law of attraction as a tool to fulfill our goals. When we are in harmony and alignment with our true selves we also become at peace with the world around us. It is important to understand your values, motives and desires so that you can excel in life which will also set an example for those around you to do the same.

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