Friday, December 20, 2019

Educational Leadership Poverty And Learning - 1420 Words

Author/Title (in APA format): Payne, R. (2008). Educational Leadership: Poverty and Learning: Nine Powerful Practices Link: Research Problem/Issue: Children of poverty with little proper education habitually pick up how to talk, act, and obtain information in a method that battles with how education transpires in school. So, teaching students of poverty requires a different approach (Payne, 2008). Purpose of the Research: Making sure educators and teachers recognize the trials they will have to overcome when trying to educate children of poverty (Payne, 2008). Research Question(s): What can schools do to address poverty? How does†¦show more content†¦The relationship built between educators and children of poverty helped them realize that education is a tool that can brighten their circumstances and future. Controversies/Disagreements with other Researchers: That poverty is the same with every household and individual. Limitations of the Study: There is no singular form of poverty, so it’s hard to treat each individual situation and family the same. Implications for Theory, Practice, and Future Research: Evaluating educated students who have overcome poverty through educational growth. Topic 2: Class size and student achievement Author/Title (in APA format): Link: Research Problem/Issue: The relationship between class size and student achievement. Purpose of the Research: To show that when class size drops, programs are well designed and once applied student academic achievement will rise. Research Question(s): What’s the connection between smaller class size and higher student achievement? Is it the quality of the teacher or the size of the class that drives students to academic success? Sample: Methodology and Design: A four-year committed High School study called Project star involving 80 schools from 42 school districts, and 7,000 k-3 students from families ranging from very poor to veryShow MoreRelatedThe Driving Force Behind Designing An Educational Plan779 Words   |  4 Pageswith individual educational needs. Educators are tasked with examining students as individuals and determining the best course of action for each student to learn and achieve. The driving force behind designing an educational plan that addresses individual students’ needs is courageous leadership that is willing to implement change. Additionally, educators must consider socioeconomic differences of student populations. Finally, schools must move beyond traditional universal learning and find ways toRead MoreAmerica s Expectations Regarding Public Education1685 Words   |  7 Pagescitizens during a specific time. 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