Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Benefits of Capital Punishment Essay - 1044 Words

The Benefits of Capital Punishment Justice is about enforcing consequences for one’s own actions to endorse personal responsibility and the notion of capital punishment does just that. Capital punishment is an effective and efficient method of deterring would be criminals and preventing criminals to commit more crimes. It is by far the oldest form of punishment in the world and remains in effect in many nations. Through discussing many arguments in support of capital punishment it is obvious why this method of punishment is so controversial and why it should remain in effect today, regardless of the negative criticism it garners. Capital punishment has been used in the United States since the execution of Daniel Frank of†¦show more content†¦Therefore, the evidence of these two respectable studies illustrates that implementation of the death penalty correlates with a drop in the homicide rate. Another argument for the death penalty is that putting a murderer away for life is not good enough. Laws change, parole boards do not remain the same, people forget the past, etc. It is these things that indefinitely cause life imprisonment to weather away. As long as the murderer is still alive, there is a chance that he or she may kill again. A perfect example of this occurred in the case of â€Å"Dawud Mu’Min, who was serving a 48-year sentence for the 1973 murder of a cab driver when he escaped a road work gang and stabbed to death a store keeper in a 1988 robbery that only netted $4.00.† Fortunately, there is no chance that he will commit another murder again as he was executed by the state of Virginia in 1997 (Wesley Lowe’s Pro Death Penalty Webpage, Online). This argument in support of capital punishment goes to show that this is the reasoning why people who truly value public safety, believe there is no substitute for the death penalty. The argument of the constitutionality of capital punishment is also an extremely controversial argument. Many abolitionists claim that the death penalty is â€Å"unconstitutional and forbids cruel and unusual punishment† (Wesley Lowe’s Pro Death Penalty Webpage, Online). However, closerShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment1406 Words   |  6 PagesCapital Punishment Many positions can be defended when debating the issue of capital punishment. In Jonathan Glovers essay Executions, he maintains that there are three views that a person may have in regard to capital punishment: the retributivist, the absolutist, and the utilitarian. Although Glover recognizes that both statistical and intuitive evidence cannot validate the benefits of capital punishment, he can be considered a utilitarian because he believes that social usefulness isRead MoreCapital Punishment1534 Words   |  7 PagesThe death penalty has been around for many centuries and will probably be around for many to come. 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