Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Era Of The American Civil War - 2163 Words

After the American Civil War, a laissez-faire government allowed for a new class of businessmen to rise to power: those who dominated an entire industry, sometimes several markets. They were the hallmark of the so-called Gilded Age, which lasted from the end of reconstruction until the early 1900s. These men, known as Robber Barons, shaped the American economy, necessitating new laws to be signed to limit their power . Although there were only four main Barons (John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and J.P. Morgan), they controlled much of the economy with their four respective trades: Oil, steel, railroads, and banking . Although all four were important, Rockefeller and Carnegie stand head and shoulders above the rest, becoming among the richest and most successful people the world has ever seen with the exception of some royalty. During the Civil War, both the Union and Confederacy converted to â€Å"Total War† economies. With all industries, from manu facturing to agriculture to textiles, focused on the war effort, many relatively new industries grew surpassingly large. Railroads in the North grew by around 16,000 miles, an increase of nearly 75%. However, relatively small companies controlled relatively small sections of track privately. This set the stage for Vanderbilt to begin buying up companies until he controlled one of the largest railroad networks ever seen. The latter parts of the Civil War and the early reconstruction saw the rise of a newShow MoreRelatedPost Civil War: Reconstructive Era and African Americans1070 Words   |  5 PagesThe African American during the Reconstruction Era probably felt victorious as well as discomfited. Prior to the Civil war, slaves vehemently hoped freedom would give them the right of equal status in American society, but to their surprise, their dream of an egalitarian America was impeded after the assassination of President Lincoln. Their lives became drastically different and diffic ult in an era that was increasingly contumacious to their well wishes. The end of the Civil War brought socialRead MoreThe American Civil War1418 Words   |  6 PagesGuns fired, smoke lingering in the air, people dying. The American Civil War had a huge impact on the United States. Two compromises took place before the start of the Civil War. These compromises include the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850. The Missouri Compromise dealt with the crisis in 1819 over Missouri entering the Union as a slave state. The compromise was â€Å"the first major crisis over slavery, and it shattered a tacit agreement between the two regions that had been in placeRead MoreEssay about The Reconstruction Era: The Planted Seeds1231 Words   |  5 PagesThe first roar of the Civil War ended with a last gasp for air. Where in such a war more than six hundred twenty thousand men sacrificed their lives for their own belief in the abolishment of slavery (â€Å"Civil War Facts†). à ¢â‚¬Å"We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain. That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom† (Baslor). These wise words of Abraham Lincoln cleared the way of a desolate trail of violence and pain, yet he was determined to accomplish his plansRead MoreThe Civil War Was A Grave Cause Of Many Events. Many People1663 Words   |  7 PagesThe civil war was a grave cause of many events. Many people may see the results of the war as a chain reaction to many following eras. One of the most prominent eras that emerged from the civil war was the reconstruction era. The reconstruction era emerged around 1865 and continued until 1877. This time period generally refers to the time in United States history in which the federal government set the conditions that would allow the rebellious Southern states back into the Union. The States wereRead MoreA Working Polish Man Named Jurgis Rudkus1199 Words   |  5 Pagessocietal influences. -Thesis: Upton SInclair applied aspects of the Civil War in his novel with his views on the treatment of humanity through the use of symbolism, and the presentation of the conflict and resolution. Body Paragraphs Paragraph 1: 1P: The symbolism presented in the novel brings upon the relation of the oppression experienced by the immigrant workers and African American slaves laboring on farms during the Civil War era. 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Realist w riters answered the cry of Americans who wanted to explore realistic literature; Sojourner Truth’s â€Å"Ain’t I A Woman† is a true representation of literature during the realistic era. The start of realism inRead MoreOrigin Of And Role Played By Manifest Destiny1323 Words   |  6 PagesUnited States’ population had more than quadrupled and Americans believed God had destined that they span the entire North America from one coast to the other. Although the term â€Å"Manifest Destiny† was used to typify the 1840s American expansionistic exuberance, it can be broadly used to characterize any country’s imperialistic thrusts (Harriet). In this regard, Utah, the indigenous American Indians, faced expansionistic archetypes with the Americans, Spanish imperialists, European and French fur tradersRead MoreEssay about Hist204 African American Annotated Bibliography1098 Words   |  5 PagesAfrican Americans Hester 1 The African American race and the events they have been involved in from 1865- resent day, have single handedly contributed to and shaped the race they are today and the issues they deal with now. There are six specific areas of history that had great impact an effect on shaping African Americans, their culture, the society, and even social status to date. These events include The Civil War, this marked the beginning of freedom for blacks or so they thought. It directlyRead More The Progressive Era Essay1275 Words   |  6 PagesStates. The progressive era was a time in which Americans were innovating in social welfare. In the progressive period the government needed to take action in the role of economy, regulating big business, immigration, and urban growth. Once the great depression happened in which America’s economy faltered people started to panic. For Americans the main issues asked were how to make society work more efficiently. The great society era was a time of opt imism after the post-world war II occurred. The creations

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